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林佑樺 尿失禁之外:其他尿路症狀之烙印 2010/9/29 下午 05:42:57 0
原 文 題  目 Beyond incontinence: the stigma of other urinary symptoms
作  者 Elstad, E.A., Taubenberger, S.P., Botelho, E.M., Tennstedt, S.L
出  處 Journal of Advanced Nursing. [Epub ahead of print]
出版日期 August 23, 2010
評 論 下泌尿道的症狀(包括排尿的頻率頻繁、急尿和尿失禁)是容易造成患者心理烙印的高危險群,然而先前的心理烙印相關研究大多著重於尿失禁,鮮少提到其他2項症狀的心理衝擊。病患常有關於排尿頻率頻繁、急尿的心理烙印可能是“我就是膀胱無力,急著要尿尿或一直跑廁所”,甚至要忍受別人取笑,“離不開廁所5分鐘”等的污名。
abstract Aim. This paper is a report of a study conducted to characterize the stigma of urinary frequency and urgency and differentiate it from the stigma of incontinence and to describe race/ethnic and gender differences in the experience of stigma among a diverse sample of individuals.
Background. Lower urinary tract symptoms, including frequency, urgency and incontinence, are susceptible to stigma, but previous stigma research has focused almost exclusively on incontinence.
Method. The Boston Area Community Health Survey is a population-based, random sample epidemiological survey of urologic symptoms (N = 5503). Qualitative data for this study came from in-depth interviews conducted between 2007 and 2008 with a random subsample of 151 black, white and Hispanic men and women with urinary symptoms.
Findings. Respondents reported stigma associated with frequency and urgency - not just incontinence. The stigma of frequency/urgency is rooted in social interruption, loss of control of the body, and speculation as to the nature of a non-specific problem. Overall, the stigma of urinary symptoms hinged upon whether or not the problem was perceptible. Men felt stigmatized for making frequent trips to the bathroom and feared being seen as impotent. Women feared having an unclean body or compromised social identity. Hispanic people in particular voiced a desire to keep their urinary symptoms a secret.
Conclusion. The stigma of urinary symptoms goes beyond incontinence to include behaviors associated with frequency and urgency. Healthcare practitioners should assess for stigma sequel (e.g. anxiety, depression) in individuals with frequency and urgency, and stress treatment options to circumvent stigmatization.
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