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林佩瑜 促性腺激素的濃度是否影響β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron治療膀胱過動症的效益。 2016/11/30 下午 03:21:56 0
原 文 題  目 Hormonal influence on the effect of mirabegron treatment for overactive bladder.
作  者 Kallner HK1, Elmer C, Andersson KE, Altman D.
出  處 Menopause.
出版日期 2016 Aug 15.
評 論 目前已有多篇論文顯示,更年期與膀胱過動症的相關性。日前在2014年的Toxcicological sciences (J. Toxicol. Sci. Vol.39, No.3, 507-514)中,讀者來信提到的β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron在小鼠中的毒性試驗結果,已顯示β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron的服用對於促性腺激素的濃度不會有影響。推測作者可能想反證體內促性腺激素的濃度對於β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron的療效也不會有影響。結論就是互不影響。唯本篇選讀論文,作者追蹤藥物使用效果僅短短兩個月,或許在長期追蹤中會另有變化也說不一定。讓我們持續追蹤這一系列的相關論文。


本實驗納入58名女性,使用β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron 50mg一天一次治療膀胱過動症,在治療前與追蹤期間均採血檢測體內荷爾蒙濃度,檢測內容包括雌二醇、黃體酯酮、睪固酮、促濾泡激素、黃體激素、促甲狀腺激素及四點甲狀腺素。並使用問卷UDI,UDI_OAB與PFIQ-7來評估膀胱過動症的治療效果。

結果顯示,在以β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron 50mg治療膀胱過動症兩個月的追蹤中,更年期前婦女及更年期婦女改善效果相當,在問卷UDI,UDI_OAB,和PFIQ-7結果評估都有相等程度的改善。



The aim of this study was to evaluate if levels of gonadotropic and sex steroidal hormones influence the efficacy of mirabegron in the treatment of overactive bladder.

We included 58 female participants who received treatment with mirabegron 50mg once daily and provided a blood sample for hormone profiling before treatment was initiated. Serum hormone concentrations for estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, FSH, LH, TSH, and T4 were analyzed. Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI), (overactive bladder domain: UDIOAB), and the short form Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire (PFIQ-7) were used to assess subjective outcomes.

There were significant overall improvements in UDI, UDIOAB, and the PFIQ from baseline to the 2 months of follow-up (P?=?0.001, 0.001, and 0.008, respectively). The magnitude of the mean difference of improvements was similar between pre- and postmenopausal women. Estrogen levels were nonsignificantly lower in participants who experienced an improvement in UDI and UDIOAB at 2 months of follow-up as compared with those that did not (P?=?0.7). There were no other clinically relevant differences in hormone levels in relation to improvements in UDI, UDIOAB, or PFIQ. In logistic regression analysis there were no associations between UDIOAB outcomes and age, previous use of anticholinergic drugs, parity, menopause, and local estrogen treatment.

Estradiol, gonadotropic hormones, thyroid hormones, and testosterone levels did not influence the clinical effects of mirabegron in women with overactive bladder. Menopause status should not be a determinant for mirabegron treatment.
PMID: 27529461 DOI: 10.1097/GME.0000000000000708

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