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許齡內 難治性膀胱過動症患者接受膀胱內肉毒桿菌素A注射的經驗及滿意度 2017/3/1 下午 02:17:15 0
原 文 題  目 Patient experience and satisfaction with Onabotulinumtoxin A (BTX-A) for refractory overactive bladder.
作  者 Sachin Malde, Christopher Dowson, Olivia Fraser, Jane Watkins, Muhammed S. Khan,Prokar Dasgupta and Arun Sahai
出  處 BJU Int. 2015 Sep;116(3):443-9.
出版日期 September, 2015
評 論 難治性膀胱過動症患者因對於口服藥之嚴重副作用或是藥物反應不佳,往往造成其較差之醫囑性甚至拒絕規律治療,致使病情日益惡化。本文為英國一所醫學中心的一項回溯性調查,研究結果發現:2004~2010年間納入研究之100位難治性膀胱過動症病患中,總共有49名患者接受完整的BTX-A治療,其總體平均(SD)CSQ-8滿意度得分為38.3(3.3),表示患者對於機構提供的BTX-A治療感到高度滿意。 在接受BTX-A完整的治療的組別(平均分29.8)相較於中途停止BTX-A治療(平均分25.1)(P <0.01)的組別,兩組總滿意度分數的確有顯著差異:接受BTX-A完整治療的組別,其總體患者對治療效果的滿意度較高,在視覺模擬量表上具有8.6(2.0)較高的總體平均(SD)評分,且完成治療後,臨床症狀改善幅度也較顯著。在中途停止BTX-A治療的組別,患者們大多僅使用保守措施(44%)或重新開始使用抗膽鹼藥物來緩解其臨床症狀,故總體患者對治療效果的滿意度較低,且臨床症狀改善幅度也有限。此項調查可提供台灣患有難治性膀胱過動症患者在面臨口服藥無效或副作用難以承受時,另一項臨床治療的參考。

To evaluate the patient experience of our dedicated botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) service using a validated patient-reported experience measure (PREM) and assess patient-reported satisfaction with treatment.

The first 100 patients who underwent BTX-A treatment for refractory idiopathic detrusor overactivity (IDO) in our institution were contacted for telephone interview. They had all been assessed, injected and followed up in a dedicated BTX-A clinic. Patients were asked to complete a validated PREM – the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8) – as well as a questionnaire developed in our department to assess satisfaction with the results of the treatment. Most patients received 200 U OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) via an outpatient local anaesthetic flexible cystoscopy technique.

Complete data was available for 72 patients. In all, 49 patients were continuing to receive BTX-A treatment while 23 had opted for no further injections. The overall mean (SD) CSQ-8 satisfaction score was 38.3 (3.3), indicating a high level of patient satisfaction with the service offered in our institution. There was a significant difference in total satisfaction scores between those still receiving BTX-A (mean score 29.8) and those who have discontinued treatment (mean score 25.1) (P < 0.01). Overall patient satisfaction with the result of the treatment was high with an overall mean (SD) score of 8.6 (2.0) on a visual analogue scale. Of those who had discontinued BTX-A, most were either using conservative measures only (44%) or had recommenced anticholinergic medications.

Overall patient satisfaction with the dedicated BTX-A service offered in our institution is high and can result in a positive patient experience. The use of PREMs are advocated in order to fully capture the patient’s views of the quality of services and treatments they receive.

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