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胡如娟 男性賀爾蒙用於更年期生殖泌尿症候群之治療:國際女性性健康學會的專家共識與文獻回顧 2019/9/30 下午 03:21:55 0
原 文 題  目 The role of androgens in the treatment of genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM): International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH) expert consensus panel review
作  者 Simon JA, Goldstein I, Kim NN, Davis SR, Kellogg-Spadt S, Lowenstein L, Pinkerton JV, Stuenkel CA, Traish AM, Archer DF, Bachmann G, Goldstein AT, Nappi RE, Vignozzi L.
出  處 Menopause. 2018;25(7):837-847.
出版日期 2018 Jul
評 論

更年期生殖泌尿症候群(Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, GSM)包含常見的泌尿道症狀(膀胱過動症、尿失禁、反覆泌尿感染... 等 )與會陰部症狀(外陰及陰道萎縮、乾澀不適、陰道或外陰部發炎、行房疼痛與其他女性性功能障礙)。其病生理機轉主要和更年期後卵巢機能減退有關,大多數患者在完全停經的三至六年後會出現明顯症狀,也有部分患者在更年期過程中早已出現症狀。發生率隨更年期後時間越久而增加,在停經後三年,約 50%婦女有生殖泌尿道的症狀,到更年期後10年,發生率更高達 70%,基本上未經治療症狀是不會自行改善的。

早期對女性更年期的治療,主要是針對更年期過渡期賀爾蒙變動造成的不適做治療,一直到2014年,國際女性性健康學會(International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health, ISSWSH)和北美更年期學會(North American Menopause Society, NAMS)共同提出更年期生殖泌尿症候群的概念,將治療延伸到更年期後的生心理變化,醫療界才更進一步將治療重心著重在更年期後婦女生活品質的改善。


目前針對更年期生殖泌尿症候群,還是以賀爾蒙的局部治療為主。從1970年開始,低劑量的陰道女性賀爾蒙製劑開始用於治療更年期後外陰陰道萎縮炎,此後的治療多是不同劑型劑量的女性賀爾蒙,一直到2016年,美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)通過Prasterone (即脫氫表雄酮,DHEA)的陰道製劑,在更年期生殖泌尿症候群才多了一項選擇。脫氫表雄酮(DHEA)基本上算是一種男性賀爾蒙的前驅物,而男性荷爾蒙在人體內也可再後續轉換成女性賀爾蒙,因此補充脫氫表雄酮對同時充滿著雌激素接受器與雄性素接受器的女性生殖泌尿道組織來說,是一兼二顧的效果。雖然目前該藥物台灣尚未引進,但也許在不久的將來,將會是我們治療台灣女性更年期生殖泌尿症候群的重要武器。

而女性直接補充男性賀爾蒙來改善陰道健康或生殖泌尿道症狀,不論是男性荷爾蒙單用或與女性賀爾蒙併用,還是是男性賀爾蒙局部使用或全身性使用,目前雖有許多研究已證實可增加陰道血液循環與降低陰道酸鹼值,並且在改善女性性慾低落疾患也有卓越的效果,但目前美國食品藥品監督管理局認為在女性身上需十年以上的安全性報告,因此尚未通過女性可使用的男性賀爾蒙製劑。而歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)在2006年雖已通過男性賀爾蒙貼片可使用在女性性功能障礙,但該藥廠於2012年因為商業考量而主動撤出市場。所以目前男性賀爾蒙應用於女性的更年期生殖泌尿症候群,大多是在醫學研究中使用或是在婦女泌尿專科醫師的監控下做仿單標示外使用(off-label use)。期待在日後有更多大型且長期的研究數據可以佐證男性賀爾蒙在女性患者的應用,以完善更年期生殖泌尿症候群的全方位治療。


The objective of this consensus document is to broaden the perspective on clinical management of genitourinary syndrome of menopause to include androgens.

A modified Delphi method was used to reach consensus among the 14 international panelists representing multiple disciplines and societies.

Menopause-related genitourinary symptoms affect over 50% of midlife and older women. These symptoms have a marked impact on sexual functioning, daily activities, emotional well-being, body image, and interpersonal relations. Tissues in the genitourinary system are both androgen and estrogen-dependent. The clitoris, vestibule, including minor and major vestibular glands, urethra, anterior vaginal wall, periurethral tissue, and pelvic floor are androgen-responsive. Historically, treatment of postmenopausal genitourinary symptoms involved both androgens and estrogens. This subsequently gave rise to predominantly estrogen-based therapies. More recently, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials have demonstrated that local vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone improves symptoms in postmenopausal women, including moderate to severe dyspareunia. Limited data suggest that systemic testosterone treatment may improve vaginal epithelial health and blood flow. Open-label studies that have used high doses of intravaginal testosterone in the presence of aromatase inhibitor therapy for breast cancer have resulted in supraphysiological serum testosterone levels, and have been reported to lower vaginal pH, improve the vaginal maturation index, and reduce dyspareunia.

Vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone, hypothesized to enhance local production of both androgen and estrogen, is effective for the management of dyspareunia in menopause. Vaginal testosterone offers potential as a treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause, but more studies are needed.

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