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2017 New Finding in the Management of Men and Women with LUTS

2017 New Finding in the Management of Men and Women with LUTS

What we should know in 2017

下泌尿道症候群(LUTS)是我們泌尿科在平日診治病人最常見的疾病之一,雖說大多數的醫師對於這方面的診斷及治療都有相當多的經驗,但這方面的知識及觀念仍有許多日新月異以及值得探討之處。台灣尿失禁防治協會特地於2017年在北南二地分別舉辦一場New Finding in the Management of Men and Women with LUTS 研討會,除了邀請多位專家進行講課與討論外,會中也將針對問題進行現場投票,相信這絕對是今年您不容錯過的研討會。

Time:2017/7/29 (台北場)


Time Topic Speaker Moderator
1400-1410 Opening 莊燿吉理事長
Voiding Dysfunction
1410-1430 How to identify DU in BPO patients without UDS? Can we find a critical point to prevent detrusor failure? 林志杰醫師


1430-1450 Optimizing medical treatment for BPO patients 廖俊厚主任
1450-1510 Does alpha-blocker work in LUTS improvement instead of BPO, such as bladder dysfunction, female LUTS or stone repulsive therapy 周博敏醫師
1510-1530 The influence of different laser equipment and technique in BPH surgery 邱 斌醫師
1530-1550 Surgical tips of BPH surgery 林友翔主任
1550-1610 Break
Storage Dysfunction and Inflammation
1610-1630 Add-on antimuscarinics is safe and effective for patients with BPO and OAB 蔡維恭主任 郭漢崇教授
1630-1650 How to treat OAB patients poor response to antimuscarinics 王炯珵主任
1650-1710 Advances in the management for CPPS 吳佳璋主任
1710-1730 New insight in the treatment of IC/BPS/KC 許毓昭醫師
1730-1740 Closing 莊燿吉理事長