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  • 日期:2024.11.16 (Sat) 09:00~16:10
  • 地點:中山醫學大學附設醫院大慶院區汝川醫療大樓17樓1703教室
  • 主辦單位:台灣尿失禁防治會、台灣福爾摩莎婦女泌尿醫學會、中山醫學大學附設醫院泌尿科
  • 贊助單位:暉致醫藥股份有限公司
Time Topic Speaker Moderators
08:30-08:55 報到
08:55-09:00 Opening 郭漢崇
09:00-09:25 Physical examination and specific test:
  • PE for male and female LUTS, Bladder, genitalia, urethral meatus
  • NE: BCR, anal tone, anal contraction, saddle sensation
  • DRE and PFM: prostate, PFM tone, PFM tendered points, Cystocele grading
  • PFM massage: technique and effect
陳妤甄 許鈞碩
09:25-09:50 Urodynamic study and interpretation:
  • Male LUTS
  • Female LUTS
  • IC/BPS
  • Female and male SUI POP
  • NLUTD in CVA PD Dementia
趙梓辰 陳志碩
09:50-10:15 Clinical application of UDS in voiding and bladder management:
  • UDS interpretation and treatment modality selection
  • Safe bladder capacity
    • Low bladder compliance
  • BN dysfunction and DV, PRES
    • Bladder diary interpretation
蕭子玄 李建儀
10:15-10:35 Break
10:35-11:00 Ultrasonographic examination and application in voiding and bladder management
  • Ultrasound: kidney. bladder wall thickness, PVR measurement
    • TRSB: SUI, ISD, hypermobility, Cystocele
郭漢崇 廖俊厚
11:00-11:25 Cystoscopic hydrodistention: technique, interpretation, and clinical implication for selection of treatment modality
  1. Non-Hunner’s IC – diagnosis and clinical implication
  2. Hunner’s IC – diagnosis and clinical implication
  3. Cystoscopic Botox/ PRP injection for IC/BPS
  4. Electrocauterization and Laser ablation of Hunner’s IC
  5. Intravesical instillation of Hyaluronic acid- technique and treatment outcome
劉昕和 李明輝
11:25-11:50 Physical and pelvic floor therapy for lower urinary tract dysfunction
  • IC/BPS: Intravesical HA treatment, LESW, PFM message
  • OAB: PTNS, TTNS. Biofeedback PFMT
    • Voiding dysfunction: abdominal straining, Crede maneuver, CIC, CISC, technique and program design
  • Low energy shock wave for IC and PFMP
李宗叡 郭漢崇
11:50-12:20 Lunch Symposium
Pathophysiology and multimodal therapy for different IC/BPS phenotype
郭漢崇 陳順郎
12:20-12:40 Break
12:40-13:05 Physical Bladder training, voiding management
  • Determine frequency of CIC/CISC and safe bladder volume for CIC
    • Bladder management strategy, according to the patient's LUTD
  • Medication to improve voiding efficiency and LUTS
陳俞安 林武周
13:05-13:30 Catheter care and bladder management strategy
  • Cystostomy care and voiding training
  • Indwelling urethral catheter care
    • Indication of Botox and surgical intervention
  • Bladder and voiding management in addition to CIC or indwelling catheter
李香瑩 黃淑君
13:30-13:55 Electrical stimulation and biofeedback for male and female LUTD
  • PTNS for OAB, IC, DV, SUI
  • TTNS for OAB, IC, DV, SUI
  • Biofeedback PFMT, and transvaginal electric stimulation
胡如娟 許兆畬
13:55-14:10 Break
14:10-14:35 Medical therapy for male LUTD
  • Principle, indication, combination, adverse effect of medication for functional urology, 5-ARI, alpha-blocker, antimuscarinics, beta-3 agonist, SSRI, baclofen, anti-inflammatory drug, Botox…
  • Male LUTD
王紹全 林威宇
14:35-15:00 Medical therapy for female LUTD
  • Female SUI and POP
  • Female overactive bladder
  • Female voiding dysfunction
  • Female bladder hypersensitivity
許齡內 陳進典
15:00-15:25 Surgical indication, technique, and perioperative care of surgery and management of urinary incontinence, voiding dysfunction, and chronic pelvic pain
  • Male LUTD
    1. 肉毒桿菌素注射
    2. 尿道下吊帶手術
    3. 高濃度血小板血清注射
    4. 人工括約肌植入術
    5. 膀胱頸及前列腺手術
    6. 骨盆底低能量震波治療
    7. 骨盆底肌肉運動訓練
楊旻鑫 郭漢崇

Surgical indication, technique and perioperative care of surgery in Female LUTD
  1. 肉毒桿菌素注射
  2. 尿道下吊帶手術
  3. 陰道網膜植入手術
  4. 高濃度血小板血清注射
  5. 達文西骨盆重建手術
  6. 骨盆底肌肉運動訓練
  7. 膀胱頸切開手術
  8. 骨盆底低能量震波治療
翁慧鈴 莊燿吉
15:50-16:10 Discussion and Closing 莊燿吉
(20 min lecture, 5 min discussion)