Selecting therapy for maintaining sexual dyfunction and associated
metabolic syndromes in patients with low urinary tract syndromes and benign
prostatic hyperplasia
日期:2008年2月23日 地點:台中永豐棧麗緻酒店地下一樓C廳 地址:台中市西屯區台中港路二段9號 教育積分:外科、泌尿科積分申請中 |
時 間 | 課 程 | 講 師 |
14:00~14:10 | Opening | 陳志碩主任 |
座長:楊啟瑞、陳志碩 | ||
14:10~14:40 | Male LUTS/BPH: an iceberg of metabolic syndromes or vice versa? | 唐一清 |
14:40~15:10 | BPH/LUTS impacts on sexual dysfunction. | 簡邦平 |
15:10~15:40 | Association of metabolic syndrome with serum testosterone, sex hormone binding globulin and estradiol in older males. | 黃一勝 |
15:40~16:00 | Coffee Break | |
16:00~16:30 | The rational approach and treatment for BPH/LUTS with MetS. | 鄒頡龍 |
16:30~17:00 | A goal directed therapy from an urologist for male LUTS/BPH with MetS. | 莊正鏗 |
17:00~17:30 | Panel discussion and audience challenge. | 楊啟瑞 陳志碩 |