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Differential Diagnosis of Overactive Bladder in Men 2010/1/28 下午 03:29:55 0
原 文 題  目 Differential Diagnosis of Overactive Bladder in Men
作  者 Jerry G. Blaivas, Brian K. Marks, Jeffrey P. Weiss, Georgia Panagopoulos
出  處 The Journal of Urology
出版日期 December 2009 (Vol. 182, 2814-2818)
評 論 將近有9%至16%的成人具有過動性膀胱(Overactive Bladder, OAB)的問題。根據國際尿控協會(International Continence Society)將過動性膀胱定義為:不論是否合併尿失禁的急尿症狀,時常伴隨頻尿與夜尿,同時必須排除感染或是其他可以被證實的病因。作者評估了經問卷篩選為符合過動性膀胱症狀的男性共122位(平均年齡為70歲),並試圖決定同時伴隨的病生理異常的鑑別診斷。
結果在納入研究的122名男性中,有70位經過尿路動力學測試出具有逼尿肌過度活動,56位被診斷出良性攝護腺肥大,其中40位是有症狀而不具其他病因,13位診斷為神經性膀胱,27位被診斷為膀胱出口阻塞,25位病人為攝護腺癌治療過後的併發症,7位為尿道狹窄,而特發性的過動性膀胱只有6 位。作者認為,符合過動性膀胱定義之病患常常同時具有其他疾病。根據本研究32%的病患應被診斷為良性攝護腺肥大,22%應被診斷為膀胱出口阻塞,20%則為攝護腺癌治療過後所產生的併發症,真正應被定義為過動性膀胱的患者只佔5%。臨床醫師應考慮對被診斷為過動性膀胱的病患做更詳細的鑑別診斷。如此,可針對病患個別問題作更加精確的治療以改善病人的症狀,更能使治療的成功率增加。
abstract Purpose: We determined the differential diagnosis of concomitant pathological conditions in men with overactive bladder symptoms.
Materials and Methods: We performed an observational, descriptive study to elucidate the differential diagnosis in men with overactive bladder symptoms using a previously validated overactive bladder symptom questionnaire. All patients provided an extensive history, completed the self-administered questionnaire and a 24-hour voiding diary, and underwent physical examination, 24-hour pad test, uroflowmetry, post-void residual urine measurement, cystoscopy and urodynamics. Selection criteria were developed to assign cases to a category, including idiopathic overactive bladder, benign prostatic enlargement, benign prostatic obstruction, neurogenic bladder, bladder cancer, prostate cancer treatment complications, urethral stricture, bladder stones and bladder diverticulum.
Results: Of 122 men who met ion criteria for overactive bladder detrusor
overactivity was identified in 99 (79%) on urodynamics. The differential diagnosis was benign prostatic enlargement in 40 men (32%), benign prostatic obstruction in 27 (22%), complications of prostate cancer treatment in 25 (20%), neurogenic bladder in 13 (11%), urethral stricture in 7 (6%), idiopathic overactive bladder in 6 (5%), bladder stone in 2 (2%), bladder cancer in 1 (1%) and bladder diverticulum in 1 (1%).
Conclusions: Overactive bladder is a complex diagnosis with many underlying, contributing urological pathologies. It should be considered a symptom complex and not a syndrome. Knowledge of the differential diagnosis in men with overactive bladder symptoms would hopefully provide clinicians with a diagnostic rubric to more specifically treat such patients with improved success.
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