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盧令一 功能性大腦造影應用在膀胱控制之十年經驗 2010/3/27 下午 06:59:23 0
原 文 題  目 A Decade of Functioal Brain Imaging Applied to Bladder Control
作  者 Clare J. Fowler and Derek J. Griffiths
出  處 Neurourology and Urodynamics 29:49–55 (2010)
出版日期 Dec.18 2009
評 論 近十年來對大腦功能性的造影檢查從單光子放射電腦斷層(SPECT) 到正子攝影(PET)到 功能性磁振造影(functional MRI),可謂進步神速,相關的論文也如雨後春筍一般,美中不足的是對於膀胱功能的研究卻屈指可數,作者整理了十年來相關的24篇文章,讓讀者對大腦造影與膀胱功能的關連性有初步的認識。
以往對大腦控制排尿機轉的了解多僅限於動物實驗,大腦功能性造影檢查則可以了解人類儲尿及排尿時,反應在大腦特定的相對應位置,是否可以印證動物實驗的結果。例如以往對貓的實驗推測PAG(periaqueductal gray)是薦椎神經將排尿訊號傳到PMC(pontine micturition center)的重要轉運站,功能性造影檢查不僅證實了這一點,還發現大腦某些部位對訊號的反應還會性別不同而不同。此外對於內感受(interoception)也因為大腦功能性造影的出現而有更多的了解,尤其是島腦(insula)在內臟感覺(例如尿脹和女性的急迫性尿失禁)的傳遞有重要角色,而前扣帶皮質(anterior cingulate cortex,ACC)則扮演與島腦協同的運動角色,都是以往所不甚了解的。大腦皮質對於膀胱的控制,一般負責抑制的功能。過去實驗認為是經由白質連接有髓鞘的神經突觸傳遞訊號,但是功能性造影的結果卻顯示是由灰質直接經由神經細胞傳遞訊號,這些新的發現則有待進一步研究。
藉由功能性大腦造影,已經可以初步畫出大腦控制膀胱排尿的路徑(Brain-Bladder control Matrix),未來可以藉此對膀胱過動、急尿、尿失禁、尿滯留、脊髓損傷、各種神經及精神疾病造成的排尿障礙進行更深入的研究,甚至藥物對大腦的影響,都可能會有革命性的進步,相信對未來的影響是既深且遠,且讓我們拭目以待。
abstract Over the last 10 years functional brain imaging has emerged as the most powerful technique for studying human brain function. Although the literature is now vast, including studies of every imaginable aspect of cortical function, the number of studies that have been carried out examining brain control of bladder function is relatively limited. Nevertheless those that have been reported have transformed our thinking. This article reviews that development in the context of emerging ideas of interoception and a working model of brain activity during bladder filling and emptying is proposed. Some studies have also been carried out using functional imaging methods to examine pathophysiological bladder conditions or the effect of treatments and these are reviewed and future work anticipated.
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