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劉緯陽 用膀胱頸懸吊手術來治療兒童神經性膀胱所致的尿失禁 2010/6/28 下午 01:46:02 0
原 文 題  目 Detrusor Compliance Changes After Bladder Neck Sling Without Augmentation in Children With Neurogenic Urinary Incontinence
作  者 Warren Snodgrass,Theodore Barber and Nicholas Cost
出  處 J Urology 2010 June (183) 6: 2361-6
出版日期 2010 June
評 論 對於兒童神經性膀胱治療對大多數泌尿科醫師而言是一大挑戰,而近幾年相關研究報告大多針對藥物、行為…等非手術性治療。有關手術治療這方面的報告則少之又少。於今年六月份Journal of Urology 由美國德州達拉斯兒童醫學中心及西南醫學中心snodgrass及其團隊所提出手術性治療的結論與以往的觀念有所不同,是值得討論的一篇文章。
這篇文章有趣的地方主要是在告訴我們;兒童神經性膀胱及所引起的尿失禁可藉由膀胱頸懸吊手術(bladder neck sling)來改善臨床症狀,不見得一定要做膀胱擴增手術(bladder augmentation)。這是由美國德州達拉斯兒童醫學中心及西南醫學中心snodgrass及其團隊所做的研究,主要是針對上述有神經性膀胱的兒童經由膀胱頸懸吊手術後,長期追蹤其膀胱功能來了解是否會隨時間而進一步惡化。總共有39個神經性膀胱的兒童接受了膀胱頸懸吊手術,沒有任何一位接受膀胱擴增手術。其中有13位因它種因素而被排除。其餘的26位患者則納入追蹤,經術後結果評估有16位是完全無失禁情形(dry),另外7位症狀則有所改進,其它3位則仍有失禁的狀況(wet)。於術前共有23名患者服用anticholinergic drug,而術後則有26位服用。術後尿路動力學檢查結果與術前相較之下,顯示僅有8位患者(31%)有膀胱壓力增加或新發生的膀胱過動現象(平均追蹤時間39個月),而這些患者可用anticholinergic drug來治療,而其於患者尿路動力學檢查則是部份不變或有改善。術後患者同時也沒有發生腎水腫、膀胱小樑化或者膀胱輸尿管逆流的情形。作者坦承研究結果仍有不足之處,主要是有13位患者缺乏長期尿路動力學檢查來佐證,但作者相信這種單以膀胱頸懸吊術而不同時做膀胱擴增手術的方式,長期下來是不會造成膀胱功能惡化。他們也認為當手術後第一次尿路動力學檢查有異常時往往用anticholinergic drug來治療即可。
於以往我們以為針對神經性膀胱需要手術時,我們除了做膀胱頸懸吊手術之外最好應同時做膀胱擴增手術,才可達到避免尿失禁及膀胱減壓保護上泌尿道的目的。這篇文章則挑戰以往的觀點,認為兒童神經性膀胱單以膀胱頸懸吊手術則可達到改善尿失禁的情形,另外anticholinergic drug的使用於術後仍拌演重要角色。
abstract Purpose: We reviewed preoperative, and initial and final postoperative urodynamic
testing in consecutive children undergoing bladder neck sling without
augmentation for neurogenic urinary incontinence to determine if progressive
loss of compliance occurs.
Materials and Methods: We assessed consecutive patients with neurogenic outlet
incompetence who underwent 360-degree tight fascial wrap around the bladder
neck with appendicovesicostomy but no augmentation. This population comprised
all patients undergoing outlet surgery between 2002 and 2007. Inclusion
criteria were initial urodynamic test within 1 year postoperatively and final
urodynamic test at least 18 months postoperatively.
Results: A total of 26 patients met inclusion criteria. Most patients (73%) had an
acontractile bladder with detrusor pressures less than 25 cm H2O preoperatively.
Initial postoperative urodynamic test at a mean of 7 months was most predictive
of subsequent urodynamic findings. Eight patients (31%) had increased detrusor
pressures and/or uninhibited contractions postoperatively. Six patients increased
anticholinergic therapy dose. At a mean of 39 months urodynamic patterns were
either stable or improved in all patients.
Conclusions: Progressive compliance loss was not observed after bladder neck
sling without augmentation. Postoperative increases in detrusor pressure and/or
uninhibited contractions within 1 year postoperatively should prompt review of
anticholinergic therapy rather than enterocystoplasty
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