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鄒頡龍 肥胖是不是尿失禁手術的失敗或併發症的危險因子? 2011/6/28 下午 06:23:22 0
原 文 題  目 Is Obesity a Risk Factor for Failure and Complications AfterSurgery for Incontinence and Prolapse in Women?
作  者 Rashel M. Haverkorn, B. Jill Williams, William S. Kubricht, III and Alex Gomelsky
出  處 Journal of Urology
出版日期 2011 March
評 論 應力性尿失禁的嚴重程度與肥胖有關係嗎?之前已有多項醫學研究指出,身體質量指數(BMI)過高的患者,發生尿失禁的比例較高。站立時,腹部器官與脂肪組織的重力向下傳遞至骨盆底器官(包括膀胱);腹腔內組織重量越重,產生的壓力越大,應力性尿失禁的症狀也可能越明顯。
Haverkorn醫師2011年發表於Journal of Urology的文章「肥胖是不是尿失禁手術的失敗或併發症的危險因子?」:「針對297位身體質量指數(BMI)大於30 kg/m2肥胖婦女接受尿失禁手術的結果,並與另外412名體重正常,接受尿失禁手術的婦女比較。所有患者或手術後追蹤12月。結果發現,手術成功率以及尿失禁治癒率在非肥胖組比較高。但是在整體症狀改善以及生活品質,不管是在肥胖組或非肥胖組在手術後都有進步。與非肥胖組比較,肥胖患者接受尿失禁手術發生併發症的機會並沒有比較高。看來,即使沒有減肥成功,還是可以接受尿失禁手術。
abstract Purpose: Obese women (body mass index 30 kg/m2 or greater) are considered to
be at risk for postoperative complications and failure after stress incontinence
surgery. We compare the outcomes in this population with nonobese women (body
mass index less than 30 kg/m2) undergoing rectus fascia, porcine dermis and
polypropylene sling procedures.
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively identified 412 women with a body
mass index less than 30 kg/m2 (94 autologous rectus fascia, 157 acellular porcine
dermis, 161 transobturator polypropylene mid urethral sling) and 297 with a
body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or greater (66 autologous rectus fascia, 114 acellular
porcine dermis, 117 transobturator polypropylene mid urethral sling) who underwent
sling procedures and other pelvic surgery. Evaluation included SEAPI
assessment and quality of life questionnaires. Global cure equaled subjective
SEAPI composite  0 and subjective satisfaction. Stress urinary incontinence
cure equaled SEAPI (S)  0 and negative cough stress test. Chart review for
perioperative data was conducted. Groups and outcomes were statistically compared.
Results: All women had a minimum followup of 12 months. After controlling for
body mass index preoperative demographics, SEAPI scores and quality of life
indices were not statistically different within each sling group. Global cure and
stress urinary incontinence cure rates were significantly higher for nonobese
women in each sling group. Statistically significant improvement in SEAPI scores
and quality of life indices was achieved for all groups, and there were no statistical
differences within each sling group. Overall obese women had no increase in
complications compared with nonobese women. The incidence of obstructive
sequelae was statistically higher in nonobese women undergoing autologous
rectus fascia and transobturator polypropylene mid urethral sling procedures.
Conclusions: Although cure rates are lower, obese women have significant improvements
in quality of life after surgery for stress urinary incontinence. Obesity
does not appear to be a risk factor for additional complications during sling
and prolapse surgery.
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