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鄒頡龍 中年婦女骨盆底器官脫垂對生活品質的影響以及危險因子 2012/3/13 下午 10:08:32 0
原 文 題  目 Symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse at midlife, quality of life, and risk factors
作  者 Fritel X, Varnoux N, Zins M, Breart G, Ringa V
出  處 Obstet Gynecol.
出版日期 2009 Mar;113(3):609-16.
評 論 這是由法國學者進行的研究.共有2640位婦女接受問卷訪查。年齡由51至60歲。有症狀的骨盆底器官脫垂(Symptomatic POP)定義為:「感覺到有東西自陰道膨出」.生活品質是以Nottingham Health Profile questionnaire問卷.他們使用 Multiple linear regression 來分析骨盆底器官脫垂發生的頻率與生活品質的關係.並且使用 Logistic regression來評估發生骨盆底器官脫垂的危險因子.
結果:一共有3.6% (96 of 2,640)發生有症狀的骨盆底器官脫垂,並且有2.7% (70 of 2,640)婦女接受相關的手術治療.骨盆底器官脫垂與解大便困難,下腹部疼痛,以及小便困難有關.發生骨盆底器官脫垂的頻率月高的婦女,生活品質較差。身體質量指數(BMI)以及之前生產的次數為骨盆底器官脫垂的危險因子
abstract OBJECTIVE:
To estimate quality of life, prevalence, and risk factors associated with symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse (POP) among middle-aged women.
This was a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was mailed to 3,114 women aged 50-61 years in the GAZEL cohort; 2,640 (85%) returned it. Symptomatic POP was defined by feeling a bulge from the vagina (sometimes, often, or all the time compared with never or rarely). Quality of life was determined with the Nottingham Health Profile questionnaire. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the association between frequency of POP symptoms and the quality-of-life score. Logistic regression was used to estimate the effect of risk factors on past or present symptomatic POP (current symptoms or previous surgery for POP).
The prevalence of symptomatic POP was 3.6% (96 of 2,640) and that of surgery for POP was 2.7% (70 of 2,640). Pelvic organ prolapse symptoms were associated with difficulty defecating, lower abdominal pain, and difficulty voiding. The frequency of POP symptoms was associated with a poorer quality-of-life score in each Nottingham Health Profile domain (physical mobility, pain, emotional reaction, social isolation, energy, and sleep). Even when we took general characteristics, medical history, and lifestyle associated with quality of life into account, the global Nottingham Health Profile score was significantly impaired by POP symptoms. Factors significantly associated with past or present symptomatic POP were high body mass index and the number of vaginal deliveries.
In our population of women in their 50s, POP symptoms are associated with impaired quality of life, and the number of vaginal deliveries is a risk factor for past or present symptomatic POP
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