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蒙恩 攝護腺大小是否影響綠光雷射汽化手術的療效? 2012/5/30 上午 09:39:33 0
原 文 題  目 Does Size Really Matter? The Impact of Prostate Volume on the Efficacy and Safety of GreenLight HPS™ Laser Photoive Vaporization of the Prostate
作  者 Xiao Gu, M.D., Ph.D., Gino J. Vricella, M.D., Massimiliano Spaliviero, M.D., and Carson Wong,M.D., FRCSC, FACS
出  處 Journal of Endourology. May 2012, 26(5): 525-530. doi:10.1089/end.2011.0457.
出版日期 Apr, 2012
評 論   近年來綠光雷射汽化手術成為治療前列腺良性肥大的一大趨勢。然而對於前列腺體積較大的病人,這項手術的效果及安全性仍令人質疑。此項研究針對不同的前列腺體積良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者來探討綠光雷射汽化手術的療效和安全性。

  於2006年7月和2011年2月間,從前瞻性泌尿疾病系統的數據庫抽出207例患者。根據術前經直腸超音波測量前列腺體積,將患者分為兩組進行:≥80毫升(第1組, 57人)和<80毫升(第2組,150人)。 經尿道雷射汽化手術是使用120W的GreenLight HPS側面雷射發射系統。在術前1週和4週和3,6,12,18術後24和36個月分別測定美國泌尿科協會症狀評分(AUASS),生活品質評分(QOL),最大尿流率(Qmax)及殘餘尿量(PVR)。

  術前評估的結果,兩組在術前的尿滯留發生率(1:24.6%; 2:7.3%),血清前列腺特異性抗原(PSA)(1:4.5±2.7; 2:1.8±1.9 ng/mL),生活品質評分(1: 4.2±1.11; 2:4.7±0.9),平均前列腺體積(1: 118.1±37.9; 2:48.5±15.5毫升)有顯著性差異(P <0.01),而兩組之間在美國泌尿科協會症狀評分、最大尿流速和殘餘尿量均相近。在使用雷射的時間長短(1:22.8±13.3;2:10.4±6.4分鐘)和雷射能源使用量(1: 152.7±90.6; 2:70.9±44.8千焦)也有顯著性差異。 從臨床表徴(AUASS,QOL,最大尿流率,PVR)來看,不論在立即或長期的改善程度,兩組之間無顯著差異。術後的併發症發生率相當低,且兩組的發生率並無不同。

abstract Purpose:
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of GreenLight HPS™ laser photoive vaporization of the prostate (PVP) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in patients with different prostate volumes.

Patients and Methods: Between July 2006 and February 2011, 207 consecutive patients were identified from a prospectively maintained urologic database. Based on preoperative prostate volume measured by transrectal ultrasonography, patients were stratified into two groups: ≥80 cc (group 1, n=57) and <80 cc (group 2, n=150).

Transurethral PVP was performed using a 120W GreenLight HPS side-firing laser system. American Urological Association Symptom Score (AUASS), quality-of-life (QoL) score, maximum flow rate (Qmax), and postvoid residual (PVR) volume were measured preoperatively and at 1 and 4 weeks and 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months postoperatively.

Among the preoperative parameters evaluated, there were significant differences (P<0.05) in the incidence of preoperative urinary retention (1: 24.6%; 2: 7.3%), serum prostate-specific antigen level (1: 4.5±2.7; 2: 1.8±1.9 ng/mL), QoL (1: 4.2±1.1; 2: 4.7±0.9), and mean prostate volume (1: 118.1±37.9; 2: 48.5±15.5 cc), while AUASS, Qmax, and PVR were similar (P>0.05) between groups. Significant differences (P<0.05) in laser use (1: 22.8±13.3; 2: 10.4±6.4 minutes) and energy usage (1: 152.7±90.6; 2: 70.9±44.8 kJ) were also noted. Clinical outcomes (AUASS, QoL, Qmax, and PVR) showed immediate and stable improvement from baseline (P<0.05) within each group, but no significant differences between the two groups were observed during the follow-up period (P>0.05). The incidence of adverse events was low and similar in both cohorts.

These results suggest that prostate volume has little effect on the efficacy and safety of GreenLight HPS laser PVP, and that this technique remains a viable surgical option for BPH, irrespective of preoperative prostate volume.
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