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張尚仁 抽菸會影響女性的下尿路症狀嗎? 2013/4/29 下午 12:14:09 0
原 文 題  目 Smoking and bladder symptoms in women.
作  者 Tähtinen RM, Auvinen A, Cartwright R, Johnson TM Tammela TL, Tikkinen KA.
出  處 Obstet Gynecol
出版日期 2011 Sep
評 論 這是一個在芬蘭橫斷面問卷研究。他們收集了約兩千位婦女,年齡分布從18到79歲,發現有抽菸的婦女罹患頻尿和急尿的風險較高,不過和傳統觀念不同的是抽菸和夜尿與應力性尿失禁與急迫性尿失禁並沒有顯著相關性。此外抽菸的頻率越高的女姓罹患頻尿和急尿的比率越高,即使已經戒菸了仍然有較高的風險。不過雖然下尿路症狀和抽菸的劑量有相關,這篇論文並沒有使用抽菸史長短與劑量暴露是否有影響,也沒有討論抽菸對於不同年齡(例如停經前與停經後)的婦女會不會有不同的影響。
abstract Abstract
To estimate the relation of smoking status and smoking intensity with bladder symptoms.
Questionnaires were mailed to 3,000 women (aged 18-79 years) randomly identified from the Finnish Population Register. Case definitions for stress urinary incontinence (SUI), urgency, and urgency urinary incontinence (UUI) were "often" or "always" based on reported occurrence (never, rarely, often, always). Case definitions for urinary frequency were based on reporting of longest voiding interval as less than 2 hours and for nocturia reporting of at least two voids per night. Potential confounders included comorbidities, medications, sociodemographic, lifestyle, and reproductive factors.
Responses totaled 2,002 (67.0%). Frequency was reported by 7.1%, nocturia 12.6%, SUI 11.2%, urgency 9.7%, and UUI 3.1%. In the multivariable analyses, smoking was associated with urgency (odds ratio [OR] 2.7, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.7-4.2 for current and OR 1.8, CI 1.2-2.9 for former compared with never smokers) and frequency (OR 3.0, CI 1.8-5.0 for current and OR 1.7, CI 1.0-3.1 for former smokers) but not with nocturia and SUI. Adjusted prevalence differences between never and current smokers were 6.0% (3.0-9.1%) for urgency and 6.0% (3.3-8.7%) for frequency. Similarly, current heavy (compared with light) smoking was associated with additional risk of urgency (OR 2.1, CI 1.1-3.9) and frequency (OR 2.2, CI 1.2-4.3).
Urgency and frequency are approximately three times more common among current than never smokers. Parallel associations for urgency and frequency with smoking intensity suggest a dose-response relationship. Nocturia and SUI are not associated with smoking. These results suggest an additional rationale for smoking cessation in women seeking medical attention for bladder symptoms and highlight the diversity between such symptoms
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