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林佩瑜 β3腎上腺素受體促效劑mirabegron50毫克每日一次在日本膀胱過活動症患者與同劑量安慰劑的治療效果。隨機,雙盲對照臨床試驗第III期的結果 2014/11/27 上午 10:32:37 0
原 文 題  目 Phase III, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the β3-adrenoceptor agonist mirabegron, 50 mg once daily, in Japanese patients with overactive bladder.
作  者 Osamu Yamaguchi, Eiji Marui*, Hidehiro Kakizaki†, Yukio Homma‡, Yasuhiko Igawa§,Masayuki Takeda?, Osamu Nishizawa**, Momokazu Gotoh††, Masaki Yoshida‡‡,Osamu Yokoyama§§, Narihito Seki, Yasushi Ikeda*** and Sumito Ohkawa***
出  處 BJU Int. 2014 Jun;113(6)951-60
出版日期 June, 2014.
評 論 膀胱過動症是發生率極高的症候群,影響患者的生活甚劇。目前膀胱過動症的藥物治療多為各類的抗膽鹼藥物,但有部分的患者對於抗膽鹼藥物的治療效果不彰或對其造成的副作用如口乾、視力模糊及便祕耐受度不佳。
因此,對膀胱過動症的治療就轉向β-adrenoceptor 所調控的膀胱逼尿肌鬆弛作用下手。目前在人體發現的β-adrenoceptor有三種亞型,其中β3-adrenoceptor是主要促使膀胱放鬆及增加尿液儲存的重要受體。所以,選擇性激發β3-adrenoceptor 的藥物像是mirabegron,就可以用與抗膽鹼藥物不同的機制,來治療膀胱過動症。
本篇研究主要研究使用mirabegron 50mg與使用tolterodine和使用安慰劑來對治療日本的膀胱過動症患者效果作比較。
在這個Phase III的試驗中,使用mirabegron 50mg相較於使用tolterodine和使用安慰劑治療膀胱過動症患者,得到較佳的療效。其中包括24小時解尿次數減少,以及24小時的急尿次數,急尿性尿失禁次數都有減少,以及每次解尿量增多。但夜尿的症狀則沒有因mirabegron的治療而有顯著的改善。過往對於抗膽鹼藥物對於夜尿症狀的改善也是效果不一。
針對患者自我評估症狀改善,使用mirabegron 治療的膀胱過動症患者,相較於安慰劑組,在主觀的生活品質也有明顯的改善。
雖然目前抗膽鹼藥物一直是膀胱過動症的標準治療,但是抗膽鹼藥物所帶來的副作用常令患者感到困擾,甚至無法接受。有高達50%的病人在三個月後停止服用抗膽鹼藥物。而在這個Pgase III的試驗中可以發現到,mirabegron是一個對於膀胱過動症的頻尿,急尿,急尿性尿失禁等症狀治療有顯著的效果,且病人對藥物的耐受性相當良好。在治療膀胱過動症,mirabegron 是一個除了抗膽鹼藥物的另一項選擇。
目前台灣mirabegron已經通過健保核准,也已經在多家醫院開始使用,其健保適應症與抗膽鹼藥物Tolterodine 及Solifenacin相同。對於使用抗膽鹼藥物產生的副作用無法忍受的膀胱過動症患者,提供了一個新的選擇。
abstract To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the β3-adrenoceptor agonist mirabegron, in a Japanese population with overactive bladder (OAB).
Patients and Methods
‧ This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study enrolled adult patients experiencing OAB symptoms for ≥24 weeks. Patients with ≥ 8 micturitions/24 h and ≥1 urgency episode/24 h or ≥1 urgency incontinence episode/24 h were randomised to once-daily placebo,mirabegron 50 mg or tolterodine 4 mg (as an active comparator, without testing for non-inferiority of efficacy and safety) for 12 weeks.
‧ The primary endpoint was the change in the mean number of micturitions/24 h from baseline to final assessment. Secondary endpoints included micturition variables related to urgency and/or incontinence and quality-of-life domain scores on the King’s Health Questionnaire.
‧ Safety assessments included adverse events (AEs), post-void residual urine volume, laboratory variables, vital signs and 12-lead electrocardiogram.
‧ A total of 1139 patients were randomised to receive placebo (n = 381), mirabegron 50 mg (n = 380) or tolterodine 4 mg (n = 378). Demographic and baseline characteristics were similar among the treatment groups. ‧ At final assessment, mirabegron was significantly superior
to placebo in terms of mean [SD] change from baseline in number of micturitions/24 h (–1.67 [2.212] vs -0.86 [2.354]; P < 0.001) and mean [SD] change from baseline in number of urgency episodes/24 h (–1.85 [2.555] vs –1.37 [3.191]; P = 0.025), incontinence episodes/24 h (–1.12 [1.475] vs –0.66 [1.861]; P = 0.003), urgency incontinence episodes/24 h (–1.01 [1.338] vs –0.60 [1.745]; P = 0.008), and volume voided/micturition (24.300 [35.4767] vs 9.715 [29.0864] mL; P < 0.001). ‧ The incidence of AEs in the mirabegron group was similar to that in the placebo group.Most AEs were mild and none were severe.
‧ Mirabegron 50 mg once daily is an effective treatment for OAB symptoms, with a low occurrence of side effects in a Japanese population.
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