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李建達 間質性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛症候群對女性工作和收入的影響: 以全國家庭為樣本 2015/3/31 上午 11:35:26 0
原 文 題  目 Consequences of Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Symptoms on Women’s Work Participation and Income: Results from a National Household Sample
作  者 Megan K. Beckett, Marc N. Elliott, J. Quentin Clemens, Brett Ewing, and Samdre J. Berry
出  處 Journal of Urology. 2014 Jan;191(1):83-88
出版日期 January, 2014
評 論 目的:

從2767位年紀低於65歲患有間質性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛症候群的病人資料作與交叉比對,資料來自於間質性膀胱炎流行病學調查機構RAND Interstitial Cystitis Epidemiology (RICE),並且包含病人從患病後之自我回顧問卷;如生活影響、嚴重性、發病起始年和其他合併症(憂鬱症狀與其他),與工作和收入及個人特質。利用多重迴歸預測分類五種工作結果; 有工作、因為疼痛而提早下班、請假、受疼痛影響但持續工作與患病後收入的改變。


abstract Abstract
Purpose—To describe differences in work participation and income by bladder symptom impact and comorbidities among women with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS).
Materials and Methods—Cross-sectional data from2767 respondents under age 65 identified with IC/BPS symptoms analyzed. The data are from the RAND Interstitial Cystitis Epidemiology
(RICE) survey and include retrospective self-reports of IC/BPS impact, severity, years since onset, and related comorbidities (depressive symptomology, number of conditions), work participation and income, and personal characteristics. Multiple regressions predicted five current work outcomes: works now, kept from working by pain, missed work days, days worked when bothered by symptoms and real income change since symptom onset.
Results—Controlling for work status at symptom onset and personal characteristics, greater bladder symptom impact predicted greater likelihood of not now working, kept more days from working by pain, missed more work days, and working more days with symptoms. More depressive symptomology and greater number of co-morbidities predicted reduced work participation. Women experienced no growth in real income since symptom onset. Measures of symptom severity were not associated with any of the economic outcomes.
Conclusions—Greater IC/BPS symptom impact, depressive symptomology, and count of
comorbidities (but not symptom severity) were each associated with less work participation and leveling of women’s long-term earnings. Management of bladder symptom impact on non-workrelated activities and depressive symptomology may improve women’s work outcomes.
Interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome; probability sample; employment
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