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阮雍順 衛喜康或貝坦利可以改善攝護腺肥大患者接受適尿通治療後的過動性膀胱症狀 2015/5/29 下午 04:15:13 0
原 文 題  目 Solifenacin or mirabegron could improve persistent overactive bladder symptoms after dutasteride treatment in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
作  者 Maeda T, Kikuchi E, Hasegawa M, Ishioka K, Hagiwara M, Miyazaki Y, Shinojima T, Miyajima A, Oya M.
出  處 Urology
出版日期 Volume 85, Issue 8, May 2015, Pages 1151-1155
評 論 臨床上我們常使用α交感神經受體阻斷劑或是5α還原酶抑制劑來治療攝護腺肥大的患者,但在臨床上的經驗,這些攝護腺肥大患者在接受α交感神經受體阻斷劑或是5α還原酶抑制劑治療後,對於阻塞性排尿症狀改善較顯著,但患者常常還是會有明顯的膀胱過動症狀。臨床上使用抗膽鹼激素藥物來治療嚴重的攝護腺肥大患者合併過動性膀胱症狀時,常會對於抗膽鹼激素藥物的藥物副作用有所疑慮,臨床醫師還是擔心藥物的使用會造成急性尿滯留。
而目前新上市的β交感神經受體促進劑(mirabegron貝坦利),其藥理作用並不會抑制逼尿肌收縮,所以急性尿滯留的副作用也可明顯減少,但是臨床上對於攝護腺肥大患者接受適尿通(dutasteride)治療後再以貝坦利治療是否可以改善過動性膀胱症狀,目前臨床研究仍不多。本文作者Maeda T等人選擇使用衛喜康(solifenacin)或貝坦利(mirabegron)來治療那些已經使用α交感神經受體阻斷劑 (tamsulosin, silodosin, and naftopidil) 以及5α還原酶抑制劑(dutasteride適尿通) 治療6個月以上的攝護腺肥大患者。結果發現使用衛喜康(solifenacin)或貝坦利(mirabegron)4週以及12週以後, 國際攝護腺症狀評分表 (total IPSS) 以及過動性膀胱症狀評分表(OABSS)以及OABSS Q3都有明顯改善,顯示無論是抗膽鹼激素藥物或是β交感神經受體促進劑都可以改善過動性膀胱的症狀。而在副作用方面,使用衛喜康(solifenacin)的患者有40%有副作用(包括嘴乾、便秘以及解尿困難),其中有4個人因為中度副作用而中止用藥;而使用貝坦利(mirabegron) 的患者則有28%有副作用(嘴乾、便秘以及解尿困難),沒有病人因為副作用而中止用藥。但在這兩組病人的副作用發生率並無統計上的意義。
abstract Objective
To evaluate the clinical response and adverse events (AEs) of solifenacin (SOL) or mirabegron (MIR) in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients with persistent overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms after dutasteride (DUT) treatment.
Fifty cases with residual OAB symptom score (OABSS) ≥5 and OABSS Q3 ≥2 after at least 6 months treatment of DUT were included in this study. Patients were administered 5 mg/d of SOL (N = 25) or 50 mg/d of MIR (N = 25), and International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and OABSS were prospectively collected at 4 and 12 weeks. The safety was evaluated by changes in postvoided residual urine volume and the incidence of AEs.
After DUT administration, the mean prostate volume, IPSS, and OABSS were 39.0 mL, 17.6, and 8.1, respectively. SOL 5 mg significantly reduced the IPSS, OABSS, and OABSS Q3 at 4 and at 12 weeks (−3.1, −2.7, −1.3; P <.05); however, 4 patients could not continue the SOL treatment owing to AEs. All patients could continue the 12 weeks of MIR treatment, and MIR 50 mg reduced IPSS and OABSS at 4 weeks and reduced IPSS, OABSS, and the OABSS Q3 (−3.0, −2.5, −0.9; P <.05) at 12 weeks. Postvoided residual urine volume increased by ≥100 mL after treatment in 2 cases in the SOL group but not in any patient in the MIR group
Additional SOL or MIR might result in amelioration of the persistent OAB symptom after DUT treatment in patients with an enlarged prostate.
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