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王炯珵 「理想」和「非理想」經閉孔男性吊帶治療攝護腺癌術後尿失禁臨床成效之比較 2015/6/26 下午 02:13:03 0
原 文 題  目 Comparison of clinical outcomes between "ideal" and "nonideal" transobturator male sling patients for treatment of postprostatectomy incontinence
作  者 Sturm RM, Guralnick ML, Stone AR, Bales GT, Dangle PP, OConnor RC
出  處 UROLOGY 2014 May;83(5):1186-8.
出版日期 2014 May
評 論 攝護腺癌是美國排行第一名的癌症,當病患接受過根治性護腺癌手術後,有9~18%的可能性,在手術一年後仍然有尿失禁的情況),治療尿失禁的方法,除了骨盆底肌肉運動復健之外,最常見的手術治療就是使用人工尿道括約肌(artificial urethral sphincter)和男性尿道吊帶(male sling)。雖然裝置人工尿道括約肌治療效果很好,有高達59~91%的成功率,但是容易造成感染、傷口糜爛、裝置容易故障,且最大的缺點是病患操作不易,所以使用簡易的男性尿道吊帶,在近幾年逐漸受到泌尿科醫師和病患的喜愛。
在2014年5月的泌尿科期刊Urology中,刊登了一個在美國威斯康辛大學(Medical College of Wisconsin)醫院的研究,他們將尿失禁病患分成兩組,一組是「理想組」,一組是「非理想組」。理想組是指: 一天使用少於4塊尿布、一天漏尿量少於300公克、膀胱鏡檢查下,尿道外括約肌不能有片斷缺損、不能有接受過放射性治療、冷凍治療、不能曾經接受其他治療尿失禁的手術、可以順利自行排尿、餘尿量少於100毫升等八項。這些標準只要其中有一項不合乎,就歸類為「非理想組」。
abstract OBJECTIVE:
To review the clinical outcomes of "ideal" vs "nonideal" postprostatectomy stress urinary incontinence (PPI) patients who underwent male sling placement.
The medical records of 95 consecutive patients with PPI who underwent male sling ion (AdVance male sling, American Medical Systems, Minnetonka, MN) were reviewed. Patients were divided into "ideal" vs "nonideal" cohorts. The ideal group consisted of patients with mild to moderate incontinence (<4 pads/day or <300 g daily pad weight), ability to volitionally contract the external urinary sphincter, no history of pelvic radiation or cryotherapy, no history of previous anti-incontinence surgical procedures, the ability to generate a volitional detrusor contraction when voiding, and a postvoid residual urine volume <100 mL. Patients in the nonideal group did not satisfy all these criteria.
Significant reductions in daily pad usage and weight were noted in both cohorts. In the ideal patient group, 66 of 72 patients (92%) would undergo the procedure again. Conversely, only 7 of 23 nonideal men (30%) would undergo the procedure again.
Preoperative patient ion can influence favorable outcomes after the treatment of PPI with AdVance male slings. Attention to ideal vs nonideal patient characteristics should be used when counseling men considering male sling surgery.
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