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王炯珵 小孩白天尿失禁晚上尿床和腺樣體腫大有關嗎 2006/9/11 上午 09:48:56 0
原 文 題  目 Resolution of diurnal incontinence and nocturnal enuresis after adenotonsillectomy in children.
作  者 Firoozi F, Batniji R, Aslan AR, Longhurst PA, Kogan BA
出  處 Journal of Urology
出版日期 2006 May;175(5):1885-8
評 論 過去研究顯示引起尿床的原因有可能和睡眠喚起功能障礙、夜間多尿、夜間膀胱容量小、遺傳因素、心理因素等諸多所因素構成,而腺樣體腫大則是一個最近發現可能引起兒童尿床的原因。
abstract PURPOSE: Adenotonsillar hyperplasia causes upper airway obstruction, leading to obstructive sleep apnea. We reviewed the incidence of nocturnal enuresis in a population of children with adenotonsillar hyperplasia. In addition, we investigated the rate of resolution or improvement in enuresis following surgery for relief of adenotonsillar hyperplasia. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 86 consecutive prepubertal children, 46 boys and 40 girls, who underwent adenotonsillectomy. Severity of adenotonsillar obstruction was graded on a scale of 1 to 4. A questionnaire regarding voiding problems, including nocturnal enuresis, voids per day and daytime enuresis episodes, was filled out preoperatively and postoperatively by the patients and their parents. RESULTS: Among the 86 patients who underwent adenotonsillectomy 36 (42%) had nocturnal enuresis. In patients with nocturnal enuresis the number of episodes was significantly less after adenotonsillectomy. Overall, 12 patients (33%) had complete resolution, 11 (31%) had significant improvement and 13 (36%) showed no change. In addition, we noted a significant decrease in daytime enuresis episodes and voids per day. CONCLUSIONS: Children with upper airway obstruction have a high rate of nocturnal enuresis that improves at twice the anticipated rate after treatment of the airway obstruction. In addition, we observed that daytime voiding dysfunction improves in these patients.

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