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盧令一 5-α 還原酶抑制劑, 良性攝護腺增生, 以及男性乳癌之風險 2015/11/30 下午 04:06:55 0
原 文 題  目 5-α reductase inhibitors, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and risk of male breast cancer.
作  者 Robinson D, Garmo H, Holmberg L, Stattin P.
出  處 Cancer Causes Control. 26(9):1289-97
出版日期 Sep. 2015
評 論 過去泌尿科醫師對使用5-α還原酶抑制劑(5-ARI)的顧慮多半集中在是否造成性功能障礙,以及是否影響對攝護腺癌的診斷。美國FDA在2014年針對5-ARI (Finasteride)的使用提到『finasteride與男性乳癌的關聯性目前尚不清楚』(http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2014/020180s044lbl.pdf)。主要是因為在2個臨床試驗(MTOPS & PCPT)中發現有零星的病例報告認為長期使用finasteride可能與男性乳癌有關。最近的文獻報告則認為兩者之間無直接的關聯性。瑞典與英國的醫師則針對從瑞典資料庫中自2006到2008三年間,追蹤將近12.5萬名BPH患者(分別接受5-α還原酶抑制劑、甲型阻斷劑或TURP治療),並對照54.5萬非BPH患者,發現是否接受5-α還原酶抑制劑治療與罹患乳癌的機會並沒有相關性,反倒是意外發現BPH接受TURP後,罹患乳癌的機率反而有意義的增加,作者認為可能是接受TURP的病患大多屬於嚴重的BPH(with BOO),其testosterone/estrogen ratio 可能較接受5-α 還原酶抑制劑治療者為低(5-ARI 阻斷70%以上的testosterone to DHT),可能是其中一個原因。但是乳癌最重要的成因例如基因、肥胖等,本文並沒有再深入分析其相關性。另外可能為了避免爭議,本文也沒有針對常用的兩種5-ARI做單獨的分析。
abstract PURPOSE:
5-α reductase inhibitors (5-ARI) have been suggested to increase the risk of male breast cancer. The aim of this study was to study the risk of breast cancer in men on 5-ARI, in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) not on 5-ARI, and in men without BPH.
We performed a population-based cohort study in Sweden with data from The Prescribed Drug Register, The Patient Register, and The Cancer Register. Men on 5-ARI, men on α-blockers, or men who had undergone a transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P) prior to or during 2006-2008 were included as exposed to BPH and a specific treatment thereof. For each exposed man, five unexposed men were ed. Risk of breast cancer was calculated in Cox proportional hazard models.
There were 124,183 exposed men and 545,293 unexposed men, and during follow-up (median 6 years), 99 men with breast cancer were diagnosed. Compared to unexposed men, men on 5-ARI had a hazard ratio (HR) of breast cancer of 0.74 (95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.27-2.03), men on α-blockers had HR 1.47 (95 % CI 0.73-2.95), and men with a TUR-P had HR 1.99 (95 % CI 1.05-3.75).
No increased risk of breast cancer was observed for men on 5-ARI. However, the increased risk of breast cancer among men who had undergone a TUR-P, a strong indicator of BPH, suggests that the endocrine milieu conducive to BPH is associated with male breast cancer.
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