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王炯珵 尿路動力學檢查的測不準原理 2006/9/11 上午 10:24:03 1
原 文 題  目 The uncertainty principle of urodynamics.
作  者 Tong YC
出  處 Neurourol Urodyn.
出版日期 2006;25(2):202.
評 論 令人崇拜的唐教授不僅在造型上, 發表的文章也越來越像科學哲學家.
Prof. Tong is Heisenberg of Urodynamics.
abstract In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle put forth by Heisenberg [1927] states:The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known in this instant, and vice versa.’One interpretation of this principle is that for an unobserved electron, it is a mixture of both wave and particle pictures until the experimenter chooses
what to observe in a given experiment. According to Heisenberg, the path of an object comes into existence only when we observe it. By choosing either the wave or the particle picture, the experimenter disturbs the untouched nature, and thus puts a limitation to what one can see in nature as it is.

NewUrodynamics was a state-of-the-art lecture given by Professor Derek Gri⁄ths [2005] at the recent ICS meeting in Montreal. In his enlightening presentation, he points out that variability is an intrinsic property of urodynamics. Signi¢cant di¡erences can be obtained in serial measurements for the same urodynamic variable. For example, a patients flow rate can differ significantly when measured at two diferent hospitals.
Intrinsic variability of urodynamics originates from supraspinal control, or emotions.

As such, lower urinary tract (LUT) function is, like the position of an electron, not fixed but fluctuates within a cloud of probability.Urodynamic findings tell us the function of the LUT only at a particular point in time with a particular state of mind. Unfortunately, with the associated anxiety,
discomfort, and embarrassment, urodyamic examinations can
profoundly affect emotions.It has recently been shown that even
the most non-invasive uroflowmetry could be infuenced by psychological
manipulation [Tong, 2005]. Thus, urodynamics changes the LUT functional status while trying to measure it.

As a result, like the quantum physicist, the urodynamic experimenter disturbs the untouched nature, and thus puts a limitation in what one can see the nature as it really is.
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感謝唐教授在臺灣泌尿科學會會訊對我們的勉勵 2006/11/7 下午 06:02:01