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姜秉均 夜間尿床為居家老年婦女跌倒的危險因子 2016/5/31 下午 04:17:20 0
原 文 題  目 Noctural Enuresis as a Risk Factor for Falls in Older Community Dwelling Women with Urinary Incontinence.
作  者 Pahwa AK, Andy UU, Newman DK, Stambakio H, Schmitz KH, Arya LA.
出  處 J Urol.
出版日期 2015 Nov 26
評 論 此研究報告針對社區居家罹患尿失禁卻尚未尋求醫療協助之年老婦女做研究, 一共37個個案數,結果發現其中約50%的婦女同時合併有夜間尿床的現象, 約48%的個案數有較高機率跌倒的風險, 其中若個案有較嚴重的夜間尿床, 上下肢無力, 肌力不足, 或是步態不穩的現象, 則跌倒的風險可能較高; 罹患夜間尿床的個案也有較高的比例下肢表現較差的情況, 此篇文章告訴我們若家中長輩有尿失禁的問題卻未曾尋求醫師協助時, 我們需要注意他們是否可能同時合併有夜間尿床或甚至增加跌倒風險的可能性, 盡可能建議他們及早尋求醫療上的協助.
abstract PURPOSE:
We determined the association of urinary symptoms with fall risk and physical limitations in older community dwelling women with urinary incontinence.

We performed an in-depth assessment of daytime and nighttime urinary symptoms, fall risk, physical function, physical performance tests and mental function in older community dwelling women with urinary incontinence who had not sought care for urinary symptoms. All assessments were performed in participant homes. We used univariable and multivariable linear regression to examine the relationship of urinary symptoms to fall risk, physical function and physical performance.

Of 37 women with a mean ± SD age of 74 ± 8.4 years who had urinary incontinence 48% were at high risk for falls. Nocturnal enuresis was reported by 50% of the women. Increased fall risk was associated with increasing frequency of nocturnal enuresis (p = 0.04), worse lower limb function (p <0.001), worse upper limb function (p <0.0001) and worse performance on a composite physical performance test of strength, gait and balance (p = 0.02). Women with nocturnal enuresis had significantly lower physical performance test scores than women without nocturnal enuresis (median 7, range 0 to 11 vs 9, range 1 to 12, p = 0.04). In a multivariable regression model including age, nocturnal enuresis episodes and physical function only physical function was associated with an increased fall risk (p <0.0001).

Nocturnal enuresis is common in older community dwelling women with urinary incontinence. It may serve as a marker of fall risk even in women who do not seek care for urinary symptoms. Interventions targeting upper and lower body physical function could potentially decrease the risk of falls in older women with urinary incontinence.
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