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阮雍順 術後恥骨上膀胱引流對於婦女泌尿的病人是否有幫助? 2016/10/31 下午 04:23:59 0
原 文 題  目 Does applying postoperative suprapubic catheterisation in urogynecology benefit patient
作  者 Gild A, Schoenfisch B, Huebner M, Brucker S, Wallwiener D
出  處 Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2016 May;293 (5):1039-42.
出版日期 2016 年5月
評 論 因婦女泌尿疾病而接受手術的病人常會有手術後解尿困難的現象發生,這可能是因為手術後局部組織發炎腫脹,或是手術當中傷到局部和排尿相關的神經所造成。而這些病人為了防止膀胱過度擴張,常須在術後接受尿液引流的處置 (包括自我導尿,尿道尿管留置或恥骨上尿管留置)。本研究探討這些因婦女泌尿疾病手術後產生解尿困難病人的可能危險因子,以及統計利用恥骨上尿管留置方式引流尿液後的可能併發症以及發生的機率。這個研究另外收集了因為膀胱陰道廔管以及尿道陰道廔管手術的病人做進一步的分析。研究結果發現前側陰道縫補術合併無張力性經陰道吊帶懸吊術以及以人工網膜修補膀胱脫垂合併無張力性經陰道吊帶懸吊術的病人會有較高機會產生解尿困難的現象,對於這些患者在術中或術後給予恥骨上尿管留置會對於生活以及治療有明顯的幫助。而這些患者如果餘尿量少於50毫升,大部分在術後第5天都可以拔除恥骨上尿管。恥骨上尿管留置發生併發症的比例也不高,約為4.9%,其中以泌尿道感染最常見;但是如果是陰道廔管手術放置恥骨上尿管則併發症的比例可能高達11.4%。

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to define groups of women that are at particular risk for postoperative voiding dysfunction (PVD) after surgery for stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and/or pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and to focus on the question if these specific groups would benefit from suprapubic catheter (SPC) insertion. Complications associated with SPC were identified.

METHODS: Between 06/2005 and 01/2013, the medical records of N = 4463 patients who underwent POP and/or SUI surgery were reviewed for suprapubic bladder drainage, duration of suprapubic catheterisation and SPC associated complications. 35 women suffering from vesicovaginal (28) and urethrovaginal (7) fistulas at the same time span were enrolled additionally.

RESULTS: The results obtained revealed that patients after isolated anterior colporrhaphy, isolated anterior colporrhaphy and TVT, isolated cystocele repair using mesh and TVT, as well as patients with concomitant posterior and/or middle compartment prolapse surgery are at increased risk of developing PVD. Thus, postoperative suprapubic bladder drainage is beneficial. Complications occurred in 4.9 % of patients who received an SPC: urinary tract infection (UTI) (35), catheter dislocation (21), infection at the catheter insertion (2) and small bowel perforation (1). For the patients treated for fistulas we noticed a complication rate related to SPC of 11.4 %: UTI (2) and small bowel perforation (2).

CONCLUSIONS: Patients should be counselled about the risk of developing PVD after POP and/or SUI surgery and should be informed about postoperative bladder drainage options related to their surgery.

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