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盧令一 對膀胱過動症併有尿失禁病患以Solifenacin治療無效再加上Mirabegron治療之效果 2017/3/31 下午 06:55:54 0
原 文 題  目 Mirabegron as Add-On Treatment to Solifenacin in Patients with Incontinent Overactive Bladder and an Inadequate Response to Solifenacin Monotherapy.
作  者 MacDiarmid S, Al-Shukri S, Barkin J, Fianu-Jonasson A, Drake MJ; BESIDE Investigators.
出  處 J Urol. 196(3):809-18
出版日期 2016 Sep
評 論 近年來隨著對膀胱過動症(overactive bladder, OAB)的了解越來越深入,antimuscarnics已經成為許多泌尿科醫師治療膀胱過動症的第一線用藥,但是其常見的副作用如口乾、便秘等,常使得醫師跟病人對這類藥物既期待又怕受傷害。而對於頑固性的膀胱過動症,又得借助膀胱內注射肉毒桿菌素等侵入性療法治療。去年(2016)新一代針對膀胱過動症治療的Mirabegron (Betmiga,β3 adrenoreceptor agonist)在台灣上市,使得泌尿科醫師治療膀胱過動症又多了一項利器,可是對於antimuscarnics治療無效或是無法忍受其副作用的膀胱過動症患者,是否能加上β3 adrenoreceptor agonist來改善治療的效果呢?

從2015年起就陸續有醫療團隊針對合併使用solifenacin (vesicare) 與mirabegron (betmiga)的初步報告發表,不論是Yamaguchi 的 MILAI study (BJU Int. 2015 Oct;116(4):612-22)、 Drake & Chapple 的BESIDE investigation(mirabegron 50mg/solifenacin 5 mg),還是Abrams的Symphony phase 2 study (Eur Urol. 2015 Mar;67(3):577-88; World J Urol. 2016 Aug 11) 都顯示solifenacin+mirabegron add-on的確有比solifenacin monotherapy更好的治療效果。

但是仍有不少疑問有待研究,例如長期使用mirabegron的效果如何?mirabegron治療OAB的角色如何安排較好?是當作第一線用藥?第二線用藥?還是當antimuscarnics治療效果不好後再加入? Mirabegron與其他的antimuscarnics併用也一樣有效嗎?另外dual therapy對於男性BPH+OAB 的長期治療效果如何?這些可能都要更加了解合併治療的機轉之後才能解答。

We investigated improvements in overactive bladder and patient reported outcomes in patients with overactive bladder and refractory incontinence treated with mirabegron 50 mg plus solifenacin 5 mg vs solifenacin 5 or 10 mg.

Patients with overactive bladder who were incontinent despite 4 weeks of single-blind daily solifenacin 5 mg were randomized 1:1:1 to a double-blind daily combination of mirabegron 50 mg/solifenacin 5 mg, or solifenacin 5 or 10 mg for 12 weeks. The mirabegron dose was increased from 25 to 50 mg after week 4. Symptom bother, health related quality of life and patient perception of bladder condition were assessed by OAB-q (Overactive Bladder Questionnaire) and the PPBC (Patient Perception of Bladder Condition) questionnaire, respectively. Responder rates were based on a 50% reduction in daily incontinence, zero incontinence episodes and fewer than 8 micturitions per 24 hours with minimal important differences in OAB-q and PPBC.

Overall 2,174 patients with a median age of 59 years were randomized, including 727 to the combination, 728 to solifenacin 5 mg and 719 to solifenacin 10 mg. Symptom bother, total health related quality of life and its subscales (coping, concern and social), and PPBC were significantly improved with combination vs solifenacin monotherapy (p <0.05). The odds of achieving clinically meaningful improvements in incontinence, micturition frequency, symptom bother, health related quality of life and PPBC were significantly higher for combination than solifenacin monotherapy. The odds of becoming continent was 47% and 28% higher for combination vs solifenacin 5 and 10 mg (OR 1.47, 95% CI 1.17-1.84, p = 0.001 and OR 1.28; 95% CI 1.02-1.61, p = 0.033, respectively).

Significantly more patients on the combination achieved clinically meaningful improvements in incontinence and micturition frequency. Improvements were accompanied by similar improvements in PPBC, symptom bother and health related quality of life.

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