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沈元琦 婦女應力性尿失禁使用尿道旁填充劑注射治療-系統性回顧 2017/5/26 下午 05:41:11 0
原 文 題  目 Intraurethral bulking agents for the management of female stress urinary incontinence: a systematic review
作  者 Zain A. Siddiqui, Hamid Abboudi,Ruairidh Crawford, Shahzad Shah
出  處 International Urogynecology Journal
出版日期 17,Feb. 2017
評 論 女性應力性尿失禁的治療包含保守的行為治療和骨盆底運動(凱格爾運動)及磁波儀等,較積極的手術治療方式則包含尿道旁填充劑注射、低張力尿道下懸吊吊帶及人工括約肌植入等等。目前國內和國際上手術治療主流仍是以尿道下懸吊吊帶手術為主,不僅行之多年、效果良好且副作用少,文獻報告數量也相當多。相對於尿道懸吊手術,尿道旁填充劑注射相形是更微創的治療,但文獻報告數量上比較沒有那麼多,此篇系統性回顧文章指出,尿道旁填充劑注射術後一年症狀改善約在七到九成之間,術後泌尿道感染是最常見的併發症,對於不適合接受更侵入性手術且願意反覆接受注射者是個可以列入考慮的治療選項。

The object of this review was to assess the efficacy and safety of urethral bulking agents (UBA), principally Macroplastique and Bulkamid, in the treatment of female stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Methods MEDLINE® and EMBASE® databases were systematically searched up to June 2016. Year of publication, study type, outcome measures, urodynamics before and after the procedure, number of participants, procedure complications, proportion requiring repeat injections or surgical procedures, frequency of follow-up, and results were analysed. Results The use of Bulkamid and Macroplastique for the treatment of female SUI was described in 26 studies. Studies used modalities including the visual analogue scale, Likert scale, International Consultation on Incontinence Modular Questionnaire (ICIQ), Patient Global Improvement Questionnaire (PGIQ) and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ) and showed success rates ranging from 66% to 89.7% at 12 months follow-up. Objective improvements in patient symptoms were measured using urodynamics, 24-h pad tests, cough tests and voiding diaries. Studies showed variable objective success rates ranging from 25.4% to 73.3%. Objective findings for UBAs remain less well documented than those for the midurethral sling procedure. Conclusions There are a range of complications associated with UBAs, the most common being urinary tract infection.

However, it remains a very well tolerated procedure in the majority of patients. UBAs should be considered as an alternative in patients unsuitable for more invasive procedures and those willing to accept the need for repeat injections. The majority of the literature focuses on subjective improvement measures rather than objective improvement measures. Further randomized controlled trials directly comparing UBAs are required to indicate the most effective agent.

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