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蔡青倍 預防停經後婦女泌尿道感染的非抗生素療法 2018/5/30 下午 11:30:21 0
原 文 題  目 Preventing urinary tract infections after menopause without antibiotics
作  者 Marta Caretto, Andrea Giannini, Eleonora Russo, Tommaso Simoncini
出  處 Maturitas 99 (2017) 43–46
出版日期 February 2017
評 論



  1. 使用陰道賀爾蒙藥膏:賀爾蒙藥膏可使陰道的乳酸桿菌增加、降低陰道PH值、並且避免腸內菌滋生,研究顯示使用陰道賀爾蒙藥膏可顯著降低UTI發生的機會,並且長期使用是安全的,同時對於停經後的陰道萎縮症狀也會大幅改善。而口服賀爾蒙在年紀較大的病患的風險增加,相對較不建議在這適應症下使用。
  2. Vitamin D:服用Vitamin D可以增加泌尿道的Cathelicidin,因此幫助抵抗細菌侵入,因此可以從增強免疫反應的路徑預防UTI。
  3. 益生菌:可以使陰道好的乳酸菌叢增加,減少UTI。有許多文獻顯示的確有效,但該吃多少劑量、該用多久、從什麼路徑使用仍未有定論。
  4. 蔓越莓:主要是因為蔓越莓的Proanthocyanidin可以抑制大腸桿菌黏附於泌尿道上皮,減少UTI。但最近的review對於蔓越莓的研究結果仍然未定論,有些研究顯示對某些高風險的族群使用仍有效,有些則覺得與對照組無差異。但因為蔓越莓方便且安全,臨床上要使用仍是推薦的。
  5. D-Mannose:這種醣類可快速吸收並排出至泌尿系統,同樣可以抑制大腸桿菌黏附於泌尿道上皮,減少UTI。這已經有少數文獻證實,但目前還需要更多的研究去肯定其效果。
  6. 其他:如口服免疫製劑OM-89、針對常見的UTI菌叢的疫苗、膀胱灌注玻尿酸或軟骨素等等。這幾種方法在目前也已經有一些文獻顯示有效,但同樣需要更多有證據等級較高的研究去證實。


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infections in women, and increase in incidence after the menopause. It is important to uncover underlying abnormalities or modifiable risk factors. Several risk factors for recurrent UTIs have been identified, including the frequency of sexual intercourse, spermicide use and abnormal pelvic anatomy. In postmenopausal women UTIs often accompany the symptoms and signs of the genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). Antimicrobial prophylaxis has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the risk of recurrent UTIs in women, but this may lead to drug resistance of both the causative microorganisms and the indigenous flora. The increasing prevalence of Escherichia coli (the most prevalent uropathogen) that is resistant to antimicrobial agents has stimulated interest in novel non-antibiotic methods for the prevention of UTIs. Evidence shows that topical estrogens normalize vaginal flora and greatly reduce the risk of UTIs. The use of intravaginal estrogens may be reasonable in postmenopausal women not taking oral estrogens. A number of other strategies have been used to prevent recurrent UTIs: probiotics, cranberry juice and d-mannose have been studied. Oral immunostimulants, vaginal vaccines and bladder instillations with hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate are newer strategies proposed to improve urinary symptoms and quality of life. This review provides an overview of UTIs’ prophylaxis without antibiotics, focusing on a practical clinical approach to women with UTIs.

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