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陳欣宏 男性下泌尿道症狀經尿道手術後對性功能的影響 -- 我們有新的評估與對策嗎? 2018/6/29 下午 03:42:40 0
原 文 題  目 What Is New with Sexual Side Effects After Transurethral Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Surgery?
作  者 Malte Rieken, Tiago Antunes-Lopes, Bogdan Geavlete, Tom Marcelissen,
出  處 European Urology Focus, Volume 4, Issue 1, 43–45
出版日期 May 23, 2018
評 論

評論 Comment:

本篇是由幾位來自瑞士、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞及荷蘭的醫師,代表EAU young academic urologists團隊,發表於2018年5月的一篇mini-review的文章。首先針對術後逆行性射精(retrograde ejaculation)的副作用部分研究,發現使用傳統電刀切除手術(TURP)方式有高達65.4%的發生率,而勃起功能障礙(ED)則大約為6.5%;至於綠光雷射汽化手術(PVP)後產生的逆行性射精發生率為34.7-50%,但勃起功能障礙部分則似乎沒有明顯影響;此外,如果使用鈥雷射攝護腺剜除手術(HoLEP),術後逆行性射精發生率為50-76.6%,但勃起功能障礙部分雖然有50%認為有變差,卻有17%患者反而覺得術後有一些改善,這項有趣的結果,也許是對某些病患因術後LUTS及生活品質大幅的改善有關。而對於上述三種手術方式,如果手術中採用射精功能保留模式(ejaculatory function-sparing modification),也就是手術中刻意保留精阜附近組織的話,術後精液可以射出的比例則分別達到90.8%(TURP)、46.2%(HoLEP)以及86.6%(PVP)。

當然,近年來也有一些新的微創手術治療方式,例如:prostatic urethral lift (PUL;urolift),射頻波 (radiofrequency, Rezum system)以及水刀治療 (Aquablation)等,在追蹤研究5年或3年後,發現可以有更低的勃起功能(ED)及射精功能(EjD)障礙發生比率,這說明當我們與病患在討論準備進行攝護腺手術時,應該要跟他們做充分討論,所謂的醫病共享決策(SDM, shared decision-making),然後再依據個別病患的需求,選擇最適當的治療方式,如此才能得到最佳的術後效果與改善生活品質的目標。


摘要 Abstract:
Transurethral resection of the prostate as well as laser prostatectomy (by either holmium laser enucleation of the prostate or Greenlight laser vaporization) is associated with risks of sexual dysfunction such as antegrade ejaculation and occasionally erectile dysfunction. While ejaculation-sparing variations of these techniques show promising results, larger multicenter studies are needed to confirm promising data. Prostatic urethral lift maintains erectile and ejaculatory function at 5-yr follow-up. The same is true for the 3-yr data on the Rezum system. Recently, Aquablation has shown promising results; however, these 6-mo data need to be confirmed during longer follow-up. An individualized, shared decision-making process based on clinical parameters and patient preference is warranted to select the ideal treatment option for each patient.

Patient summary: Sexual dysfunction such as loss of ejaculation and, less frequently, erectile dysfunction can occur after transurethral prostate surgery. Ejaculation-sparing modifications as well as minimally invasive alternatives show promising results. An individualized approach is warranted to select the ideal technique for each patient

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