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呂硏嫚 膀胱過動症與其相關之情緒症狀可能和維他命D及鈣相關 2019/3/29 下午 03:33:27 0
原 文 題  目 Overactive bladder and associated psychological symptoms: A possible link to vitamin D and calcium
作  者 Khalid K. Abdul‐Razzak1 | Osama Y. Alshogran1 | Shoroq M. Altawalbeh1 | Ibrahim F. Al‐Ghalayini2 | Mohammad A. Al‐Ghazo2 | Rami S. Alazab2 | Omar M. Halalsheh2 | Feras E. Sahawneh
出  處 Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2019;1-8.
出版日期 2019, DOI: 10.1002/nau.23975
評 論






Overactive bladder (OAB) is a prevalent syndrome that is associated with multiple urinary tract symptoms and could affect the patient’s quality of life and well‐being. Vitamin D is shown to be linked to OAB syndrome, which exacerbated by stress conditions. This study evaluated the relationship between vitamin D status, daily calcium intake and OAB, and the associated psychological symptoms.

The study included 55 patients with OAB and 129 healthy controls. Psychological symptoms were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Serum vitamin D was measured. Patients with OAB with low vitamin D level received orally vitamin D supplementation. Urinary symptoms, psychological symptoms, and quality of life were evaluated before and after vitamin D supplementation plus dairy products.

Vitamin D deficiency was more prevalent in cases (80%) vs controls (34.9%). Depression (43.7% vs 20.2%) and anxiety (52.8% vs 10.9%) scores (HADS, ≥8) were also more frequent in cases vs controls, respectively. Some 85.5% of the patients’ group had musculoskeletal pain vs 0.0% for the control. Depression was negatively correlated with daily calcium intake and positively with anxiety. Logistic regression analysis revealed that age, vitamin D, and anxiety scores were significant predictors of OAB. Vitamin D supplements with increased calcium intake had significant improvement in urinary symptoms, psychological distress, and quality of life.

Vitamin D supplements and improved calcium intake may improve urinary and psychological symptoms and quality of life among patients with OAB syndrome. Assessment for vitamin D status in patients with OAB may be warranted

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