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歸家豪 二氧化碳雷射對於停經後陰道萎縮婦女的生活質量,整體健康和泌尿生殖系統症狀的影響:前瞻性世代研究 2020/3/31 上午 10:40:30 0
原 文 題  目 Effect of the Fractional CO2 Laser on the Quality of Life, General Health, and Genitourinary Symptoms in Postmenopausal Women With Vaginal Atrophy: A Prospective Cohort.
作  者 Adabi K, Golshahi F, Niroomansh S, Razzaghi Z, Ghaemi M.
出  處 J Lasers Med Sci.
出版日期 2020 Winter;11(1):65-69.
評 論 能量治療在醫學上的應用已久,近幾年因為設備成本大幅降低,所以雷射的一用更是如雨後春筍般蓬勃發展。因為人體組織富含水分(百分之六十),被二氧化碳雷射照射後,組織失去水分而收縮,能量更強的話,可以造成水分急速蒸發,破壞組織而達到切開的目的。最近訪間常可看到診所主打”陰道緊緻雷射”,強調不只可以改善陰道萎縮,也可以改善尿失禁的問題。但效果到底如何?Dr. Ghaemi在今年醫用雷射期刊中發表一篇他們的前瞻性世代研究的文章,他們想要知道二氧化碳雷射對於停經後婦女生活質量,陰道萎縮症狀和尿失禁的影響。作者招募了140名女性,在德黑蘭醫科大學醫院的中進行研究,資料收集從2017年至2018年。她們每個月進行一次二氧化碳陰道緊緻雷射治療,一個療程總共是三個月。再利用健康問卷(SF-12)和女性性功能指數(FSFI)問卷來評估參與者的生活質量。此外,也利用標準的測量工具包括陰道健康指數(VHI)和國際失禁諮詢問卷(ICIQ)表格來評估陰道萎縮症狀。結果發現,二氧化碳雷射在生活質量,社會功能和心理健康方面得到了顯著改善。尤其在性功能方面,性高潮和性滿意度得到了顯著改善。另外,對於排尿功能方面,尿失禁,餘尿,和滲漏的頻率顯著改善(P <0.05)。但在多變量分析中會發現中,對尿急的影響沒有改善。而所有陰道指標均改善(P <0.05)。由這個研究可以知道,二氧化碳應到緊緻雷射可以有效治療停經後婦女陰道萎縮和泌尿系統症狀,尤其改善了性功能,最終達到良好的生活品質。當然,這只是一篇單一研究,140人也不是特別多的數目,期待將來能有更多這方面的研究,已進行系統性回顧,畢竟,找到低侵入性又有很好的療效的方法,這正是大家所期待。
abstract Introduction: After menopause women experience vaginal atrophy related to hormonal changes and estrogen deficiency. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of the fractional CO2 laser on the quality of life, vaginal atrophy symptoms, and urine incontinency in menopause women.

Methods: This prospective study was conducted among 140 women from 2017 to 2018 in Yas hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. They encountered the fractional microablative CO2 laser system three times at four-week intervals. The short form of the Health Questionnaire (SF-12) and the Female Sexual Functional Index (FSFI) questionnaire were utilized to assess the participants' quality of life. Also, the standard measuring tools including the vaginal health index (VHI) and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire (ICIQ) Form were used to evaluate the vaginal atrophy symptoms.

Results: The quality of life improved significantly in somatic, social function, and mental health. In the sexual context, arousal and satisfaction status improved significantly. Also, the frequency of urinary incontinence, enuresis, urgency, and the leak improved significantly (P<0.05). Among the scale variables for urinary function, it was seen that the urgency impact had no improvement. All vaginal indices improved (P<0.05). Conclusion: The fractional CO2 laser can be effective in treating vaginal atrophy and urinary symptoms. Besides, it improved the quality of life and the sexual function of post-menopausal women.
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