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高耀臨 戊聚醣多硫酸酯(Pentosan polysulfate sodium)對預防反覆女性泌尿道感染的效果:多醫學中心開放式隨機對照臨床試驗 2020/10/30 下午 05:21:43 0
原 文 題  目 The efficacy of pentosan polysulfate monotherapy for preventing recurrent urinary tract infections in women: A multicenter open-label randomized controlled trial
作  者 Chi-Shin Tseng, Shang-Jen Chang, En Meng, Hong-Chiang Chang, Yuan-Ju Lee
出  處 Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (2020) 119, 1314 e 1319
出版日期 August 2020
評 論


反覆的泌尿道感染是某些女性揮之不去的夢魘,如果半年內有兩次以上的泌尿道感染或是一年內有三次以上的泌尿道感染就可視為反覆的泌尿道感染。造成反覆的泌尿道感染原因相當複雜,涉及生物性、行為、病原性等多個面向。傳統上反覆性泌尿道感染若無明顯致病原因,預防方法則為多喝水、少憋尿或調整避孕方式等,但部分病人縱然使用上述方式仍無法減少反覆性泌尿道感染的發生。口服戊聚醣多硫酸酯能修復泌尿道感染後受損的膀胱黏膜保護層 (Glycosaminoglycan, GAG, layer),以期減少致病菌對受損泌尿上皮的入侵及附著,可能是一個新興預防反覆性泌尿道感染的有效方法。本文為第二期的臨床試驗來評估使用口服戊聚醣多硫酸酯(Pentosan polysulfate sodium)對反覆性泌尿道感染預防的功效及安全性。




Background/purpose: Pentosan polysulfate sodium (PPS), a semi-synthetic polysaccharide that adheres to bladder mucosa, is effective in treating interstitial cystitis. We evaluated the clinical benefit of PPS for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) in women.

Methods: We conducted a multicenter, open-label, prospective, phase II, randomized controlled trial enrolling women with recurrent UTI ≥ 2 times in the past 6 months or ≥ 3 times in the past 12 months. Patients received oral PPS monotherapy for 16 weeks in treatment group. All patients were followed every 28 days until UTI recurrence or up to 112 days. The primary endpoint was the UTI recurrence-free survival. Adverse events were recorded as secondary endpoint.

Results: A total of 26 women were eligible for analysis. In the PPS group, none (0%) of the 12 patients had UTI recurrence during the study period. However, 9 (64%) of 14 patients had UTI recurrence in the control group. The UTI recurrence-free survival was significantly higher in the PPS group than in the control group (log-rank test p = 0.0004). One adverse event which led to discontinuation of the trial regimen was regarded as irrelevance of PPS treatment. The limitation was the small number of cases.

Conclusion: Among women with recurrent UTI, 16-week PPS monotherapy significantly reduced UTI recurrence when compared with the control group.

Keywords: Cystitis; Pentosan polysulfate; Prophylaxis; Recurrent urinary tract infections.

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