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顧明軒 使用「經恥骨陰道自體筋膜吊帶手術」治療婦女應力性尿失禁之長期(平均追蹤14年)追蹤報告 2021/4/29 下午 04:32:40 0
原 文 題  目 Very long-term follow-up of autologous pubovaginal fascia slings in women with stress urinary incontinence
作  者 Sandy Kim, Daniel G. Wong, Dominic Lee, Alana L. Christie, Philippe E. Zimmern
出  處 Int Urogynecol J. 2021;10.1007
出版日期 March, 12th, 2021
評 論



研究將個案分成兩組,第一組為使用自體筋膜吊帶手術作為首次尿失禁手術,沒有接受過其他尿失禁手術治療的族群;第二組為應用自體筋膜吊帶手術,作為已接受過其他尿失禁相關手術,手術失敗或產生併發症之補救治療個案。主要應用問卷分數分析,並以UDI-6問卷中第三題:「活動或用力時,是否會漏尿」,回答 0分(沒有)或 1分(沒有/輕微困擾)作為治療成功定義。




Introduction and hypothesis: The objective was to report on the very long-term outcome of a published series of autologous pubovaginal slings (PVS) in women with stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

Methods: Following institutional review board approval, a cohort of well characterized, non-neurogenic women who underwent an autologous PVS (primary [PVS1] and secondary [PVS2]) for SUI was re-evaluated for their very long-term outcome status. Data collected included demographics, validated questionnaires (Urogenital Distress Inventory - short form [UDI-6], Incontinence Impact Questionnaire - short form 7, quality of life), SUI retreatment/operations, and subjective patient-reported SUI improvement (%) and symptom recurrence. The primary outcome was success defined as UDI-6 question 3 (SUI) ≤ 1 and no SUI retreatment/operation. Patients not seen in clinic for 2 years were contacted via a standardized phone interview.

Results: From 83 patients with 7-year intermediate follow-up data, 34 (PVS1 = 18, PVS2 = 16) had very long-term follow-up based on clinic visit (7) or phone interviews (27). Those lost to follow-up (49), including 5 deceased, did not differ in demographics and intermediate outcomes from the followed cohort, but lived further away (>75 miles). At a mean age of 74 years, and with a median follow-up of 14.5 years, 53% met the success criteria (PVS1 = 44%, PVS2 = 63%). Mean postoperative questionnaire scores did not differ significantly between intermediate and very long-term follow-ups, and long-term outcomes between PVS1 and PVS2 remained similar.

Conclusions: A majority of women with long-term follow-up after PVS for primary and secondary SUI remained successful more than 14 years after their surgery. Both groups, PVS1 and PVS2, fared equally well, confirming the durability of PVS as a treatment alternative for SUI.

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