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吳振宇 鈥雷射攝護腺剜除手術:文獻回顧及更新 2021/6/3 下午 04:56:10 0
原 文 題  目 Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP): a review and update
作  者 Akhil K Das, Seth Teplitsky, Mitchell R Humphreys
出  處 Can J Urol. 2019 Aug;26(4 Suppl 1):13-19.
出版日期 Aug. 2019
評 論



在這篇回顧的文獻中發現,目前對於這項手術的研究報導的數量已經非常多,顯示次手術已臻成熟,這些文章也證實了以雷射做攝護腺剜除手術是優於傳統的開腹或是電刀刮除手術。而在這些文獻中,不乏有手術後追蹤超過十年仍然保有術後療效的報導。在其中一篇隨機分派傳統電刀內視鏡刮除及雷射剜除的大型研究顯示,在七年之後,接受雷射剜除手術的這組比傳統電刀刮除的對照組,其多項預後數值都來得較為良好,像是:有更快的尿流速(4.36 mL/s)、有較好的性功能(IIEF 國際男性勃起功能指數評估高出2.39分)、移除的攝護腺也較多(移除的攝護腺檢體多出15.7克),至於其他像是術後下降的攝護腺特異抗原指數(PSA)以及排尿時膀胱內壓力較低等好處都有被發現。



Introduction: Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common diseases affecting the aging man, with almost 80% of men greater than 70 affected. Historically, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) has been considered the historical gold standard in the treatment of LUTS due to BPH for many years, contemporary literature indicates that holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) has replaced TURP and open simple prostatectomy as the size independent surgical gold standard for BPH treatment.

Materials and methods: In this review, we discuss the current techniques utilized, outcomes and safety, as well as the long term durability of results. Adverse events associated with the HoLEP procedure, both enucleation and morcellation, are covered as well.

Results: HoLEP has a robust body of literature supporting the technique, which demonstrates its ability to surpass other surgical BPH procedures, including TURP and open simple prostatectomy. Additionally, there is long term durability of both subjective and objective outcomes greater than 10 years associated with this procedure. One randomized trial showed specific postoperative outcome measures that were superior to TURP at 7 years of follow up, including Qmax (4.36 mL/s improvement), erectile function (2.39 points improvement on the IIEF erectile function section), and weight of prostate removed (15.7 grams greater), while other studies have shown greater reduction in postoperative PSA, lower detrusor pressure at Qmax, and more.

Conclusions: Overall, HoLEP has proven to be an extremely durable and effective treatment for patients suffering from LUTS due to BPH. Both the Europeans and AUA guidelines on the surgical treatment of BPH recommend HoLEP as a size-independent treatment option for those men with moderate to severe symptoms. HoLEP is an excellent option for many patients who may not be good candidates for other procedures based on prostate size, age, or bleeding risk.

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