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高銘鴻 應力型尿失禁手術不會引起骨盆腔癌症 2021/10/1 下午 02:44:11 0
原 文 題  目 Stress Incontinence Surgery Does Not Cause Pelvic Malignancy: A Population-Based Cohort Study
作  者 Vigil, H. R., Wallis, C. J., Zhang, B., LaBossiere, J. R., Carr, L
出  處 J Urol. 2021 Jun;205(6):1725-1732.
出版日期 2021 Apr 8
評 論 女性應力型尿失禁是常見的狀況,手術是解決應力型尿失禁最終解決方法。
這20年來,尿失禁手術大幅度使用到網膜(Mesh),網膜是外來物,雖然有效,但接踵而來的網膜併發症網膜裸露,感染等等,讓人對它的安全性感到憂慮。而網膜放置位置於骨盆底部,是不是有可能有造成骨盆癌症的風險,也是讓人相當關心。而本篇就在討論接受尿失禁手術之後是否會造成骨盆腔癌症發生率的上升。這是一個加拿大的回顧型研究,收集資料時間從2002年到2015年,有74968人接受了應力型尿失禁的手術,手術方式包含了使用網膜與無網膜兩種,本研究骨盆腔的癌症包含了膀胱癌、子宮相關癌症、陰道癌;陰唇癌、卵巢癌。。在進行比較之後,相較於沒有接受手術的對照組,有接受手術的病人族群,得到骨盆腔癌症的風險比較低。而細分手術方式,接受網膜尿失禁手術得骨盆腔癌症的風險比值(Hazard ratio)為0.68,接受非網膜尿失禁手術得骨盆腔癌症的風險比值(Hazard ratio)為0.37。而這篇追蹤時間中位數高達8.5年,是到目前為止追蹤時間最長的。而得到”接受尿失禁手術會降低骨盆癌症的機率”的這個結論似乎有點太過,很可能是因為選擇偏誤(selection bias)或是在診斷應力型尿失禁的病人時若發現癌症,則癌症治療就會變成優先順序,這些得癌病人就不太可能接受尿失禁手術。但本研究的人數眾多,從其中我們還是可以得出病人接受應力型尿失禁手術後並不會增加之後骨盆腔癌症發生的風險。

Purpose: We sought to determine if stress urinary incontinence surgery (mesh ornonmesh) is associated with the development of pelvic malignancies later in life.

Materials and Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study between January 1, 2002 and October 31, 2015 of all women in Ontario, Canada without a history of pelvic malignancy who underwent an index stress incontinence sur-gery. The primary outcome was a composite of any pelvic malignancy (including urological and gynecological cancers) following stress incontinence surgery.
Secondarily, we considered each cancer individually. A survival analysis using a Cox proportional-hazards model with a 3-level categorical exposure (mesh sur-gery, nonmesh surgery, and control) was performed. Patients were followed until death, emigration or the study end (October 31, 2017).

Results: Of the women 74,968 underwent stress urinary incontinence surgery during the study period. There were 5,505,576 women in the control group. Over a median followup of 8.5 years (IQR, 5.5e11.9), 587 pelvic malignancies occurred in the surgery group. Women who underwent stress incontinence surgery had a reduced risk of pelvic malignancy independent of surgery type, compared to controls (Wald type 3 p <0.001; mesh HR, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.62e0.76]; p <0.0001; nonmesh HR, 0.37 [95% CI, 0.29e0.46]; p <0.0001). The individual pelvic cancers similarly demonstrated a reduced risk of malignancy following stress incontinence surgery.

Conclusions: At a median followup of 8.5 years, women had no increased risk of pelvic malignancy following either mesh or nonmesh stress urinary incontinence surgery in a large population-based cohort.

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