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吳振宇 個人化的骨盆物理療法在攝護腺手術後應力性尿失禁以及骨盆腔疼痛的治療 2021/12/2 下午 03:46:57 0
原 文 題  目 Individualized pelvic physical therapy for the treatment of post-prostatectomy stress urinary incontinence and pelvic pain
作  者 Kelly M Scott, Erika Gosai, Michelle H Bradley, Steven Walton, Linda S Hynan, Gary Lemack, Claus Roehrborn
出  處 Int Urol Nephrol
出版日期 2020 Apr.
評 論

傳統上,接受攝護腺根除性手術後產生應力性尿失禁的患者,在接受復健的過程中,都是聚焦在骨盆底肌肉的強度訓練。然而,骨盆底的失能(pelvic floor dysfunction, PFD)的狀況可大致上分為過度反應以及低反應度的狀況,並非所有人都是一樣的狀況。因此,此篇文章將患者分成此兩大類,再針對這樣的患者給予個人化的物理治療,並分析其在應力性尿失禁以及骨盆疼痛的預後。





Background: The rehabilitation of post-prostatectomy urinary incontinence has traditionally focused on pelvic floor strengthening exercise. The goal of this study was to determine whether an individualized pelvic physical therapy (PT) program aimed at normalizing both underactive and overactive pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) can result in improvement in post-prostatectomy stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic pain.

Methods: A retrospective chart review of 136 patients with post-prostatectomy SUI and treated with pelvic PT. Patients were identified as having either underactive, overactive, or mixed-type PFD and treated accordingly with a tailored program to normalize pelvic floor function. Outcomes including decrease in SUI as measured in pad usage per day and pain rated on the numeric pain rating scale.

Results: Twenty five patients were found to have underactive PFD and were treated with strengthening. Thirteen patients had overactive PFD and were treated with relaxation training. Ninety eight patients had mixed-type PFD and were treated with a combination of relaxation training followed by strengthening. Patients demonstrated statistically significant decrease in pad usage per day (p < 0.001), decreased pelvic pain (p < 0.001), and increased pelvic floor strength (p = 0.049), even in patients who received predominantly pelvic floor relaxation training to normalize pelvic floor overactivity.

Conclusions: A majority of post-prostatectomy men with SUI have pelvic floor overactivity in addition to pelvic floor underactivity. An individualized pelvic PT program aimed at normalizing pelvic floor function (as opposed to a pure Kegel strengthening program) can be helpful in reducing SUI and pelvic pain.

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