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顧明軒 前導性研究-使用非侵入性、個別化設計的經顱刺激裝置調節腦皮質功能,治療女性多發性硬化症相關之排尿障礙 2022/4/7 上午 10:41:53 0
原 文 題  目 Noninvasive, Individualized Cortical Modulation Using Transcranial Rotating Permanent Magnet Stimulator for Voiding Dysfunction in Women with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Trial
作  者 Rose Khavari, Khue Tran, Santosh A. Helekar et al.
出  處 The Journal of urology, (2021) 10-1097.
出版日期 March, 2022
評 論 多發性硬化症為慢性中樞神經病變,在中樞神經系統任何位置發生去髓鞘變化,進而影響神經功能。症狀多樣,若併發排尿障礙,可能原因為膀胱功能低下,或尿道括約肌張力過強所致。傳統治療是以置放導尿管或間歇性導尿為主,但由於多發性硬化症亦容易影響肢體活動,間歇性導尿困難執行,發展新治療方式有其需要。此篇研究便是探討藉由經顱刺激裝置,調整腦部與排尿功能相關區域功能,進而改善多發性硬化症相關之排尿障礙。
abstract Purpose: Voiding dysfunction (VD) leading to urinary retention is a common neurogenic lower urinary tract symptom in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Currently, the only effective management for patients with MS with VD is catheterization.Transcranial Rotating Permanent Magnet Stimulator (TRPMS) is a noninvasive, portable, multifocal neuromodulator that simultaneously modulates multiple cortical regions and the strength of their functional connections. In this pilot trial (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03574610), we investigated the safety and therapeutic effects of TRPMS in modulating brain regions of interest (ROIs) engaged with voiding initiation to improve VD in MS women.
Materials and Methods: Ten MS women with VD (having % post-void residual/ bladder capacity [%PVR/BC] ≥ 40% or being in the lower 10th percentile of the Liverpool nomogram) underwent concurrent functional magnetic resonance imaging/urodynamic study (fMRI/UDS) with 3 cycles of bladder filling/emptying, at baseline and post-treatment. Predetermined ROIs and their activations at voiding initiation were identified on patients’ baseline fMRI/UDS scans, corresponding to microstimulator placement. Patients received 10 consecutive 40- minute treatment sessions. Brain activation group analysis, noninstrumented uroflow, and validated questionnaires were compared at baseline and posttreatment.
Results: No treatment-related adverse effects were reported. Post-treatment, patients showed significantly increased activation in regions known to be involved at voiding initiation in healthy subjects. %PVR/BC significantly decreased. Significant improvement of bladder emptying symptoms were reported by patients via validated questionnaires.
Conclusions: Both neuroimaging and clinical data suggested TRPMS effectively and safely modulated brain regions that are involved in the voiding phase of the micturition cycle, leading to clinical improvements in bladder emptying in patients with MS.
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