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王建勝 使用水蒸氣消融治療良性前列腺增生的中度至重度下尿路症狀:多中心隨機對照試驗追蹤5年的結果 2022/7/10 下午 06:15:41 0
原 文 題  目 Final 5-Year Outcomes of the Multicenter Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial of a Water Vapor Thermal Therapy for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
作  者 McVary, K. T., Gittelman, M. C., Goldberg, K. A., Patel, K., Shore, N. D., Levin, R. M., Pliskin, M., Beahrs, J. R., Prall, D., Kaminetsky, J., Cowan, B. E., Cantrill, C. H., Mynderse, L. A., Ulchaker, J. C., Tadros, N. N., Gange, S. N., Roehrborn, C. G.
出  處 The Journal of urology, 206(3), 715–724.
出版日期 19 April, 2021
評 論 攝護腺雄性激素的刺激下,隨著年紀逐漸變大,是每個男性遲早要面對的問題,在台灣這樣高齡化的社會裡,影響許多男性的小便功能和生活品質。傳統的經尿道電刀攝護腺切除術和雷射攝護腺剜除手術是最常用於治療攝護腺肥大的方式,但手術仍有可能產生併發症如暫時解尿困難、出血、感染、尿道狹窄、膀胱頸攣縮、逆行性射精和勃起功能異常等等,那若是病人麻醉風險高無法手術,或藥物無效但害怕手術相關併發症有沒有其他的選擇呢? Rezūm是使用帶有熱能的水蒸氣在內視鏡下注入攝護腺中,並透過能量的對流和擴散使攝護腺肥大組織消融、壞死和脫落,因為手術只需局部麻醉和時間只需要五分鐘左右,手術和麻醉的風險得以降低。此篇研究則提供一個最新和長時間追蹤的數據,此研究一共收錄197明超過50歲且解尿症狀明顯的攝護腺肥大病人,接受Rezūm能明顯改善其下泌尿道症狀、國際攝護腺症狀評分(IPSS)、生活品質和最大尿流速,且治療效果持續超過五年,並且沒有和手術相關的性功能異常,相信此治療將成為未來除手術之外的微創治療方案。
abstract Rezum is powered by convective water vapor energy, and it inserts water vapor jet into the prostate gland with thermal energy. The energy is restricted in defined area till the prostate capsule. It is considered as a minimally invasive therapy for lower urinary tract symptoms secondary to benign prostatic hyperplasia and the previous study showed short-term good outcomes with preserved sexual function. To evaluate the long-term effect and possible adverse events, this study presents the final 5-year outcomes of the multicenter randomized sham-controlled trial of Rezūm™ for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. And among the 197 males aged >50 years old with IPSS ≥13, those treated with Rezūm have significant improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms (IPSS reduced 48%, QOL increased 45%, maximum flow rate improved 44%) and remaining durable through 5 years with no reports of surgical related sexual dysfunction. Rezūm is considered a minimally invasive treatment with significant and durable symptom relief and providing successful treatment to obstructive lateral and middle lobes.
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