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陳欣宏 經恥骨後(TVT)及經閉鎖孔(TVT-O)無張力性陰道吊帶術之臨床比較 2007/5/9 下午 10:44:39 1
原 文 題  目 Retropubic compared with transobturator tape placement in treatment of urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial
作  者 Laurikainen E, Valpas A, Kivela A, Kalliola T, Rinne K, Takala T, Nilsson CG
出  處 Obstet Gynecol. 109(1):4-11
出版日期 2007 January
評 論 自1994年Ulmsten及Petros提出TVT概念,治療婦女應力性尿失禁以來,其短、中、長期的成功率大約為84%至95%之間。而de Laval在2003年發表的TVT-O,強調 “inside-out”的經閉鎖孔路徑的手術方式,則提供了另一種尿道懸吊的觀念。 當時TVT-O被認為可以大大降低膀胱或腹部內器官穿刺危險性,及改善術後復原的時間等優點,然而事實是如何呢?
本文乃是一篇集合芬蘭七家醫學中心共267位尿失禁患者的研究,將病患任意分成2組分別接受TVT及TVT-O手術,然後探討兩者的差異性。兩組皆是以局部麻醉方式進行手術,術後都沒有置放導尿管;手術後2個月回診評估,包括cough stress test、殘尿量測量及尿液分析。結果發現兩者成功率分別為98.5%(TVT)及95.4%(TVT-O);但住院日、術後疼痛 (例如groin pain)、及回復正常排尿(殘尿少於100cc)等指標皆發現TVT優於TVT-O,且TVT並沒有產生較多的併發症。可見改良式的手術方式並不保證就有較佳的臨床效果。
abstract OBJECTIVE: To compare the intraoperative and immediate postoperative performance of the retropubic tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) procedure with that of the transobturator tension-free vaginal tape (TVT-O) procedure as primary treatment for female urinary stress incontinence. METHODS: Randomized multicenter comparative trial including four university hospitals and three central hospitals in Finland. Assessment preoperatively and 2 months postoperatively included a cough stress test and the following condition-specific quality of life questionnaires: the Urinary Incontinence Severity Score (UISS), the Detrusor Instability Score, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire-Short Form, the Urogenital Distress Inventory-Short Form, and a visual analog scale (VAS). Operation time, theater time, hospital stay, intraoperative and immediate postoperative complications were recorded. RESULTS: Of the 273 originally randomized patients, 267 underwent the allocated operation, 136 in the TVT group and 131 in the TVT-O group. No significant differences in objective or subjective cure rates were detected. Patients in the TVT-O group had a significantly longer hospital stay, needed significantly more postoperative opiate analgesia and had significantly more complications than the patients in the TVT group. Patients in both groups had a significant postoperative improvement in quality of life, as indicated by the results of all the questionnaires used, with no difference between the groups. CONCLUSION: The TVT and the TVT-O procedures perform equally in terms of objective and subjective cure. The statistically significant higher complication rate in the TVT-O group is not regarded as clinically significant.
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I agree that 改良式的手術方式並不保證就有較佳的臨床效果 in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence。
Only we can do is to choose the operative method that we free easy to perform.
2007/6/6 上午 07:31:01