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許自翔 水蒸氣攝護腺消融治療的尿路動力學變化 2023/9/18 下午 06:34:06 0
原 文 題  目 Transurethral water vapor ablation of the prostate with the Rezūm system: Urodynamic findings
作  者 Martinelli, E., Cindolo, L., Grossi, F. S., Kuczyk, M. A., Siena, G., & Oelke, M.
出  處 Neurourology and Urodynamics 42.1 (2023): 249-255.
出版日期 6 November, 2022
評 論 水蒸氣攝護腺消融治療(Rezūm)是治療攝護顯肥大導致膀胱出口阻塞的新選擇,在之前的研究中已證實可以改善病人的排尿症狀,但一般非侵入性的尿流速檢查並無法確實的反應治療對膀胱出口阻塞的改善情形,故此研究分析病人於治療前後的壓力尿流檢查。一共有17位攝護腺肥大合併出口阻塞症狀的病人納入本研究(排除攝護腺體積超過120ml、合併有膀胱結石以及急性泌尿道感染),於治療前和治療後三個月後接受尿路動力學檢查,可看出多項指標均有顯著的改善,尿流速平均進步5.1ml/s、餘尿量減少100ml、攝護腺大小減少40%、膀胱出口阻塞係數(BOOI)降低53.8,水蒸氣攝護腺消融治療對改善膀胱出口阻塞在壓力尿流檢查中得到證實。
abstract The efficacy of the transurethral convective interstitial radiofrequency water vapor thermal ablation of the prostate with the Rezūm system for the treatment of male lower urinary tract symptom due to benign prostatic hyperplasia is well proven. This monocentric retrospective pilot study analyzes the data of pressure‐flow studies performed before and after Rezūm procedures to answer the question whether thus obtained ablation of prostate tissue has a disobstructive effect on the bladder outlet.
All the functional outcomes were consistently improved after the procedure, with a median flowrate increase of 5.1 ml/s and a median postvoid residual urine (PVR) reduction of 100 ml. The prostate volume was reduced by 40% and the median Bladder Outlet Obstruction Index (BOOI) reduction was 53.8. These data show that the possibility to significantly reduce the obstruction grade with even a single Rezūm procedure is concrete and seems to be independent from the degree of the obstruction grade.
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