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林崇裕 比較非神經性下泌尿道功能障礙兒童最大排尿量與最大膀胱容量:排尿日記、尿流速圖與膀胱容量壓力檢查之研究 2024/4/18 下午 04:06:40 0
原 文 題  目 Comparison of maximum voided volume and maximum bladder capacity in voiding diary, uroflowmetry and cystometrography in children with non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction
作  者 Cagri Akin Sekerci, Yiloren Tanidir, Gunal Ozgur, Raziye Ergun, Mehmet Cetin, Tufan Tarcan , Selcuk Yucel
出  處 Journal of Pediatric Urology
出版日期 March 15, 2024
評 論

This study investigated the consistency of measurements for maximum voided volumes (MVV) and maximum bladder capacities (MBC) in children with non-neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) using three different methods: voiding diary (VD), uroflowmetry (UF), and cystometrography (CMG). The study included 54 children and found that MVV measured through VD and UF was comparable, but MBC measured through CMG was significantly lower. Discrepancies in measurements were particularly noted in children younger than 10 years, girls, and those with recurrent urinary tract infections, detrusor overactivity, high post voiding residual urine, and normal flow patterns. The study suggests that the lower bladder capacities obtained from CMG might be due to children's poor compliance during the invasive procedure. It concludes that MVV in VD and UF are reliable, but MBC in CMG, especially for children undergoing invasive studies, should be carefully interpreted alongside clinical findings to avoid misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment.


非神經性下泌尿道功能障礙是小兒泌尿學中最常見的疾病之一,盛行率高達 20%。其診斷和治療具有一定的挑戰性。目前膀胱容量的測量和評估是膀胱功能的重要客觀參數之一。臨床上,可以使用非侵入檢查如排尿日記和尿流速圖,以及侵入性的檢查如膀胱容積壓力檢查(CMG)用於測量和評估膀胱容量。然而在兒童患者在接受侵入性治療時,可能會因為情緒等因素導致檢測數據有所波動,進而過度診斷,因此本研究旨在分析在患有非神經性下泌尿道功能障礙的兒童病患,排尿日記和尿流速圖中的最大排尿量(MVV) 和CMG 中的最大膀胱容量(MBC)是否有所異同,並根據患者特徵、復發性尿路感染(UTI) 和LUT進行分析。結果顯示在使用膀胱容量圖(CMG)與排尿日記(VD)或尿流率測定(UF)比較時,尤其在一些特定的患者子集中,如女孩、年齡較小的兒童、有逼尿肌過度活躍(DOA)、以及尿路感染(UTI),其膀胱容量的差異很常見。從而導致排尿日誌和尿流速圖的膀胱容量彼此相似但膀胱容積壓力檢查的膀胱容量較低,從研究可得到結論是,排尿日誌和尿流速圖中測得的最大解尿量是可靠的指標。然而,對於接受侵入性檢查的兒童患者,膀胱容積壓力檢查中測得的最大膀胱容量應與臨床表現一同細心評估,以避免誤診與不必要的治療。

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