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鄒頡龍 膀胱過動症狀指標 2008/1/30 下午 11:57:01 0
原 文 題  目 Validation of the Overactive Bladder Symptom Score
作  者 Jerry G. Blaivas,* Georgia Panagopoulos, Jeffrey P. Weiss† and Chandra Somaroo
出  處 The Journal of Urology
出版日期 Vol. 178, 543-547, August 2007
評 論 膀胱過動症困擾許多人,其症狀是頻尿,急尿,有/或無急尿性尿失禁。這些症狀雖然非常常見,但是欠缺客觀的評估標準,患者常覺得無法充分表達他(她)的症狀,醫師也無從評估治療究竟有沒有效果。
因此,客觀的「膀胱過動症狀指標」就非常重要。紐約康乃爾醫學中心的Blaivas 教授設計了全新的指標。包括了以下項目:
Blaivas 等人讓84為患者接受此問卷,發現此問卷有高度之「內部一致性」(internal consistency )以及「測試─再測試 可信賴度」。此問卷能反映出患者之症狀程度。
abstract Purpose: We validated a new 7-item overactive bladder symptom score.
Materials and Methods: Normal subjects and consecutive patients with lower urinary tract symptoms with or without
overactive bladder were recruited and classified into 3 groups based on their response to the question on an intake
questionnaire, “Do you ever experience a sudden urge to urinate that makes you want to stop what you are doing and rush
to a bathroom?” Subjects completed the written questionnaire in privacy on 2 occasions.
Results: There were 84 subjects, including 33 men and 51 women, with a median age of 62 years (range 18 to 88). Of the
subjects 33 (39%) had overactive bladder, 30 (36%) had lower urinary tract symptoms without overactive bladder and 21
(25%) were normal. There was a high level of internal consistency at visits 1 and 2 (Cronbach’s   0.83 and 0.80, respectively,
p 0.001). For test-retest reliability Spearman’s rank order correlation coefficients for the items were r  0.72 to 0.79
(p 0.001). A strong correlation was also observed between the total 7-item scores at visits 1 and 2 for each diagnostic
subgroup, and for all participants (r  0.86, p 0.001). Discriminant validity was established by determining significant
differences in responses among the 3 subgroups at each administration (p 0.01).
Conclusions: The overactive bladder symptom score is a valid instrument that assesses all aspects of overactive bladder. It
may be used as a symptom score.
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