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莊燿吉 Bladder Dysfunction in Rats With Metabolic Syndrome Induced by Long-Term Fructose Feeding 2008/5/6 下午 05:34:05 1
原 文 題  目 Bladder Dysfunction in Rats With Metabolic Syndrome Induced by Long-Term Fructose Feeding
作  者 Lee WC, Chien CT, Yu HJ, Lee SW
出  處
評 論 以中央型肥胖與胰島素抗性引起的代謝症近年來吸引許多學者的注意,由於全世界營養狀況改善使得代謝症患者的盛行率大幅的增加。有學者報告代謝症的出現也會引起夜尿,尿流減弱,膀胱排空不全等下泌尿道症狀的產生。因此代謝症膀胱病變的致病機轉,也成為學者研究的題目。高雄長庚醫學中心泌尿科李偉嘉醫師以果糖餵養大白母鼠使大白鼠產生代謝症與膀胱病變進行研究。研究發現代謝症老鼠出現膀胱病變的嚴重程度與果糖餵養的時間有關。以果糖餵養6個月以後可以誘發明顯的膀胱病變,這種膀胱病變的表現以膀胱逼尿肌過動合併收縮力降低為主。研究發現代謝症膀胱病變老鼠出現逼尿肌型態學上的變化,包括粒線體腫脹、發炎細胞浸潤等現象。作者推論此種現象可能與高果糖餵養後出現的代謝異常有關聯。本篇文章將刊載於六月份美國泌尿學雜誌。
abstract Purpose
We studied the effects of long-term fructose feeding and metabolic perturbations on bladder function in rats.
Materials and Methods
Female Wistar rats were fed a fructose enriched (60%) or control diet for 3 and 6 months. In vitro contractile responses to electrical field stimulation, KCl, carbachol and adenosine triphosphate, and in vivo cystometry were used to evaluate bladder function. Tissue staining and electron microscopy were also performed to evaluate the structural changes in rats subjected to metabolic syndrome. Biochemical and physiological data were compared between fructose fed rats and age matched controls.

All rats fed a fructose enriched diet for 3 months showed insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension. These fructose fed rats showed a decreased contractile response to high concentrations of KCl but not to other parameters tested compared to controls. Eight of the 12 rats (66.7%) showed abnormal cystometry, mainly by increased phasic contractions. In 6-month fructose fed rats contractile responses to electrical field stimulation, KCl and carbachol were decreased significantly. However, responsiveness to high concentrations of adenosine triphosphate was significantly increased. Morphological studies in fructose fed rats showed swollen mitochondria in bladder smooth muscle, increased leukocyte infiltration between interstitial tissue and neutrophil adhesion around the endothelium of vessels.

Our data show that a significant proportion of fructose fed rats show time related alterations in bladder biochemical, morphological and functional properties. The proinflammation and myopathy of the bladder induced by metabolic perturbations have important roles in causing bladder dysfunction.
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Eric Wang
狂賀! 2008/6/6 下午 12:08:55