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盧令一 Voiding Urges Perceived by Patients With Interstitial 2008/6/25 下午 06:10:00 0
原 文 題  目 Voiding Urges Perceived by Patients With Interstitial
作  者 Patty Greenberg, Jessica Brown, Teresa Yates, Vivian Brown, Patricia Langenberg, and John W. Warren
出  處 Neurourology and Urodynamics 27:287–290 (2008)
出版日期 April, 2008
評 論 “Urge”在overactive bladder及IC/PBS的病人都很常見,但是二者之間所感到的”Urge”有何差異?(根據P. Abrams的觀點,顯然此”Urge”非彼”Urge”,對OAB的病人來說,”Urge”是提醒自己避免尿失禁;但是對IC/PBS的病人而言,”Urge”是為了relieve pain),作者企圖了解”Urge”對IC/PBS病患意義何在,所以針對最近一年診斷為IC/PBS的238位病患設計了問卷,再將有/無 ”Urge to relieve pain”以及有/無”Urge to prevent incontinence”分成四個subgroups加以交叉分析。在回覆的180位病患(76%)中,約三分之二的病患(65%)同意”Urge”是為了relieve pain,21%的病患同時有Urge to prevent incontinence,只有6%的病患類似OAB(即有Urge to prevent incontinence,而無Urge to relieve pain),但也有28%的人二者皆非。作者也發現疼痛情形越嚴重的病患,越認同Urge to relieve pain的觀點,但是對28%的人為何其urge既不是to relieve pain,也不是to prevent incontinence,則難以解釋,只發現這個subgroup的pain、frequency以及urgency的嚴重度,都是屬於最輕的一群,這群人也不認為疼痛是IC/PBS最糟的症狀。
abstract Aims: Interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS) is a symptom-based diagnosis. We studied the IC/PBS symptom commonly referred to as ‘‘urgency’’ and its relationship to IC/PBS pain in a group of women with recent onset of the disease. Methods: As part of a case control study to identify risk factors for IC, cases completed a questionnaire including two statements regarding the perceived cause of their urge to void. One was related to fear of incontinence and the other was linked with relief of pain. A Likert scale indicating level of agreement/ disagreement comprised the response options. Results: Most respondents (65%) agreed with the statement linking urge with pain relief. A minority (21%) concurred with the fear of incontinence statement. Disagreement for both was found in 19%. A substantial proportion (46%) agreed with pain relief but also disagreed that urge is related to fear of incontinence. Those who reported urge to relieve pain were significantly more likely to report worsened pain with bladder filling and/or improved pain with voiding. There were no such associations with urge to prevent incontinence. Overactive bladder or diabetes prior to IC onset did not confound these results. Conclusions: At least two distinct experiences of urge to urinate are evident in this population. For most, urge is linked with pain relief and is associated with bladder filling/emptying. About 1/5 reported urge to prevent incontinence. A similar portion did not agree with either urge, indicating that they may experience something altogether different, which requires further inquiry.
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