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鄒頡龍 導尿管拔除前,需不需要先夾(綁)住尿管? 2009/2/26 下午 11:49:29 0
原 文 題  目 Clamping Short-term Indwelling Catheters A Systematic Review of the Evidence
作  者 Ritin S. Fernandez
出  處 Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society
出版日期 2005
評 論 拔除導尿管前,先將尿管夾(綁)起來,經過一段時間,或等患者有想解小便的感覺時,放開尿管;經過這樣程序(訓練),才拔除尿管。這樣的步驟,廣泛於國內的醫療機構中執行,也被許多醫護人員視為理所當然,但是,這樣做的目的是什麼?這樣動作,耗費護理人力,也讓病人與家屬對於尚未拔除的尿管關注再三, 甚至引發焦慮。這樣做,對膀胱的功能有好處嗎?
在Ritin 等人的文章中提到,原來在1936年 (民國25年),這樣的作法首度被提出,認為在拔除前先夾住尿管,能刺激膀胱張力,提升膀胱感覺。多年下來,這樣的作法廣泛被運用。但是綁住尿管,也有許多缺點:增加尿路感染的機會,若是忘了將導尿管解開反而讓膀胱過漲,造成膀胱不必要的傷害。
abstract OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review is to determine the effects
of clamping short-term indwelling urethral catheters
before removal on the incidence of urinary tract infection, time
to first void, voiding dysfunction, incidence of recatheterization,
and the length of hospital stay.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Published and unpublished randomized
and quasi-randomized controlled trials, completed between
January 1966 and July 2004, in English and other
languages that compared the effects of clamping short-term indwelling
urethral catheters, were systematically reviewed using
multiple electronic databases. Determination of eligibility of
trials for inclusion in the review, assessment of methodological
quality, and data extraction were undertaken independently
by 2 reviewers. Relative risks for dichotomous data and a
weighted mean difference for continuous data were calculated
with 95% confidence intervals. Where synthesis was inappropriate,
a narrative overview has been undertaken.
RESULTS: Three trials that investigated the effect of clamping
the indwelling urethral catheter compared to free drainage before
removal were eligible for inclusion. Two trials reported no
significant difference in the incidence of urinary tract infection
(UTI), number of patients who developed urinary retention or
required recatheterization, and the length of hospital stay between
the 2 groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The evidence for clamping indwelling urethral
catheters before removal remains equivocal. Given the current
state of evidence, procedures relating to clamping of indwelling
urinary catheters should not be initiated. Until stronger evidence
becomes available, however, practices relating to clamping indwelling
urethral catheters will continue to be dictated by local
preferences and cost factors.
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