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LUTS — advanced concepts and specific issues

時  間 課        程 講  師 座 長
1:20~1:30 Introduction 莊燿吉主任  
1:30~1:55 Current research into the overactive bladder- view from the British scholars 蒙 恩醫師 吳文正主任
1:55~2:20 The relationship between nitric oxide and bladder dysfunction 阮雍順醫師
2:20~2:45 Regenerative medicine on lower urinary tract dysfunction 王弘仁醫師
2:45~2:55 Discussion
2:55~3:35 Special Lecture: Neuroimmune interaction 郭漢彬教授  唐一清教授
3:35~3:55 Coffee break
3:55~4:35 Special Lecture: Pelvic-urethra reflex potentiation-a possible role in continence 林則彬教授 余宏政主任
4:35~5:00 Biomechanical properties of diabetic urinary bladders 王炯珵主任 林登龍主任
5:00~5:25 Anal stretch to voiding function — from bedside to bench 陳順郎主任
5:25~5:50 Autoimmune disease and LUTS 李偉嘉醫師
5:50~6:00 Discussion
6:00~6:05 Closing 郭漢崇理事長
