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3rd International Congress for Underactive Bladder



3rd International Congress for Underactive Bladder

March 9 &10, 2017 — Washington DC

We are pleased to invite you to attend the 3rd International Congress for Underactive Bladder (CURE-UAB). This 1.5 day program will feature the cutting edge research, clinical care, and technological advancements for underactive bladder.
The event will feature presentations from a world renowned faculty, panel discussions, work groups, and poster sessions. This international gathering will appeal to basic researchers, nurses, clinicians, academicians, industry representatives, and other stakeholders from the fields of urology, geriatrics, gynecology, neurology, and general medicine.
CURE-UAB provides an unparalleled platform for learning, participating, networking, collaborating, and discussing the emerging field of underactive bladder. CURE-UAB is supported by the Robert B. & Ann S. Aikens Urology Research Fund.