台灣尿失禁防治協會第五屆 TCS&TUGA 聯合論文發表會投稿須知
TCS & TUGA聯合論文發表會
1. | 投稿方式:一律以電子檔案投稿電傳(E-mail)檔案,E-MAIL主旨請註明<研討會-論文投稿>(請確定無電腦病毒)。 | ||||||||||||||||
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3. | 內文格式:須含研究目的(Purpose)、材料與方法(Materials and Methods)、結果(Results)及結論(Conclusions),如範本。病例報告(Case Report)可不必依照此範例之段落打字;但需分段。 | ||||||||||||||||
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6. | 發表方式:單槍投影機。 | ||||||||||||||||
7. | 發表時間:每篇10分鐘(演講8分鐘、討論2分鐘) | ||||||||||||||||
8. | 電子信箱:msuuf@ms15.hinet.net | ||||||||||||||||
9. | 截止收件日:95年11月17日(星期五)截止收件,以E-mail日期為憑。逾期恕不受理。 | ||||||||||||||||
10. | 投稿摘要之接受與否及發表方式,本會保有決定權。一經錄取後,不得無故 取消或變更。預計11月30日(星期四)通知論文審查結果。 |
膀胱出口部分阻塞病人的逼尿肌中粒線體之形態學及形態測定分析 與其尿流動力研究間之關係--14級 盧星華、魏耀揮1、張心湜、林登龍、陳光國、楊安航--12級 台北榮民總醫院外科部泌尿外科,病理部超顯微暨分子病理科 國立陽明大學醫學院臨床醫學研究所, 1生化系及細胞暨分子生物研究中心--12級 MORPHOLOGICAL AND MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF HUMAN DETRUSOR MITOCHONDRIA WITH URODYNAMIC CORRELATION AFTER PARTIAL BLADDER OUTLET OBSTRUCTION-14級 Shing-Hwa Lu, Yau-Huei Wei1, Luke S. Chang, Alex T. L. Lin, Kuang-Kuo Chen and An-Hang Yang --12級 Divisions of Urology, Department of Surgery and Ultrastructural and Molecular Pathology, Department of Pathology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital; 1Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine and Department of Biochemistry and Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C --12級 | ||||||
Purpose: We correlated ultrastructural changes in mitochondria in the human detrusor with the severity of partial bladder outlet obstruction on urodynamics. Materials and Methods: We recruited into the study 52 men with and without bladder outlet obstruction symptoms. The severity of partial bladder outlet obstruction was determined by pressure flow study…. Results: Mitochondrial damage score and mean mitochondrial volume strongly correlated with the urodynamic severity of partial bladder outlet obstruction…., Conclusions: Detrusor mitochondrial swelling and structural destruction increased with the severity of partial bladder outlet obstruction……--12級 | ||||||