老 年 失 禁 照 護 指 引 研 討 會 (Ⅰ)
Epidemiology and perception of incontinence in ageing people (Ⅰ)
日期:2007年6月9日(星期六) 地點:台大醫學院104講堂 地址:台北市仁愛路一段一號 |
時 間 | 課 程 | 講 師 |
座長:唐一清、于博芮 | ||
14:00~14:20 | Opening: Global view of urinary and fecal incontinence. | 唐一清 |
14:20~14:50 | Structural and functional changes of pelvic floor in ageing women. | 陳進典 |
14:50~15:20 | Pathophysiology of incontinence in ageing men. | 余宏政 |
15:20~15:50 | Changes of gastrointestinal system in ageing people. | 陳晶瑩 |
15:50~16:10 Coffee Break | ||
16:10~16:40 | Functional incontinence and nocturia in aging people. | 蔡娟秀 |
16:40~17:10 | Psychological impact of incontinence in aging people. | 陳淑月 |
17:10~17:40 | Panel discussions. | All panelists |
主 辦:台灣尿失禁防治協會
信 箱:msuuf@ms15.hinet.net
說 明:免費參加,歡迎對老年失禁照護有興趣的醫護人員踴躍參與